Happy Pride
06/02/2021 11:39:24 AM
A few weeks ago we read from the Book of Leviticus “v’ahavta l’reiacha kamocha,” or, “Love your neighbor as yourself.” Rabbi Hillel and Rabbi Akiva and countless others believed it to be one of the most important understandings of Jewish life.
There are two statements contained in these words of Torah. The first, you must love yourself. There is no pathway to loving another until you can love the person you are. We are so...Read more...
The Power of Words
05/27/2021 09:14:03 AM
This past week, as antisemitism has reached a near fever pitch, I have found myself thinking a lot about stereotypes, biases, and labels. As criticism of Israel rapidly descends into criticism of the Jewish People, we have seen age-old stereotypes of hatred and ignorance simmer above the surface. This week, as we contemplate this scary and yet all-too-familiar wilderness, we also find ourselves deep in a different wilderness, in the...Read more...
Temple Sinai Updated Reopening Plan
05/27/2021 08:00:34 AM
Two weeks after communicating Temple Sinai’s revised COVID protocols at the end of April, the CDC dramatically changed their COVID guidelines, warranting a complete overhaul of our own policies and procedures. The Temple Sinai Covid Task Force, in consultation with Sinai’s Physician Advisory Panel, is thus pleased to share the following reopening update and plans effective June 1.
Vaccination Status, Social...
Q&A With Danielle Cohen
05/26/2021 09:35:33 AM
Meet HUB member, Danielle Cohen! Danielle loves our HUB teen community, and leads a monthly "Talking and thinking about God" circle for our teens.
Why did you decide to lead the Teen God Circle?
I decided to lead the Teen God...
Challenges and Blessings
05/20/2021 09:06:45 AM
It has been a rather challenging week to say the least. Many of us have expressed growing concerns related to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. Still others have been inundated with concerns related to acceptance and trust of the new CDC guidelines. Still others have experienced illness as some non-Covid virus passes through our communities, rendering people ill physically. To say nothing of the surgeries and passings that have touched our...Read more...
Bless the State of Israel
05/13/2021 08:19:24 AM
Once again, as conflict erupts in the Middle East, we find ourselves in this all-too-familiar cycle of sadness, fear, and uncertainty as we see the surreal images and read about our beloved Israel in the media. As Israel has entered its latest round of violence with Hamas, as rockets rain down on Israeli civilians, we hear soundbites from politicians and leaders around the world. They demand an...Read more...
Mental Health Awareness Month
05/05/2021 09:12:50 AM
As we approach our first Shabbat in the month of May, see if you can fill in the missing information for the following (answers below):
1. Approximately 1 in 4 Americans over the age of 18 suffers _____ in a given year.
2. Roughly 18% of Americans ages 18-54 have _____ each year.
3. On average, 11! years is the delay between _____ and _____.
Mental Health...
Women in the Torah
04/28/2021 01:53:07 PM
In this week’s Torah portion, parshat Emor, God gives Moses the laws specific to Aaron and all the priests. As it pertains to the daughter of a priest, the Torah states, “When the daughter of a priest defiles herself through harlotry, it is her father whom she defiles; she shall be put to the fire.”
The issue of human trafficking and prostitution is very much a part of international attention and conversation right now....Read more...
Temple Sinai Reopening Plan
04/28/2021 11:15:00 AM
Dear Members of Temple Sinai,
After more than thirteen months of restricted physical access to Temple Sinai, I am thrilled to share that we are finally able to introduce plans for reopening! I hope you have participated in the countless opportunities for virtual worship,...Read more...
Adult Education Updates
04/21/2021 10:04:43 AM
During this year of a global pandemic with such reduced social gatherings or even quarantine, so many of our Adult Ed programs have been wonderful to look forward to, and especially awesome to be a participant of. My passion for...Read more...
Connecting to Israel
04/20/2021 08:48:25 AM
Were we living attuned to Jewish time, we would be aware that we are living the weeks of the “yoms,” identified as such because we have three Jewish sacred days in a row: Yom HaShoah, where we commemorate the Holocaust and mourn for the victims; Yom HaZikaron, where we recognize those who lost their lives either by defending Israel during a war or as the victim of an act of terror, and Yom HaAtzmaut, Israel’s Day of...Read more...
How are Sinai Space, Israel Independence Day, and an Owl Puppet Connected?
04/14/2021 08:32:08 AM
Let me begin by wishing all Chag Sameach, a happy holiday, as today is Yom Ha’atzmaut (Israel Independence Day). Beginning Wednesday evening and continuing until sundown today, the 3rd of Iyyar on the Hebrew calendar, marks what is now Israel’s 73rd birthday. Surely, this is a day worthy of great celebration. We thought we would offer some Yom Ha’atzmaut joy by sharing the most recent edition of Sinai Space, one of our fun Jewish...Read more...
The Power of Perseverance
04/06/2021 03:19:58 PM
During this stretch of time between Pesach and Shavuot, we engage in counting the seven weeks, day by day in a ritual called Counting the Omer. During the Omer it is traditional to turn inward and work on sharpening our personal character traits called middot. These weeks mirror our ancestors’ time in the desert making their way from the Red Sea to Mount Sinai where they received the gift of Torah. Our Spirituality committee has prepared...Read more...
Freedom is a Chance to Do Better
04/01/2021 02:09:45 PM
After the year that we have endured, after the Seders of freedom we have just celebrated, how can we not view freedom through a different lens? The famous French Philosopher, Albert Camus teaches us: "Freedom is a chance to do better." As new opportunities arise and as narrow straits open into wide expanses, each of us can ask ourselves how we can do better. What does FREEDOM mean to each of us?
As for me, I began thinking about...
Count Your Blessings
03/23/2021 01:40:34 PM
Having just marked the one-year point of dealing with Covid here in Atlanta, our thoughts naturally turn to that significant point and how we have adapted over this past year. It should not be lost on us, however, that this weekend marks another significant turning point: the anniversary of our first Jewish holiday experienced exclusively in the days of Covid.
I recall our concerns last year: plans had to be changed, people who...Read more...
Celebrating Our Rabbi on 50 Years!
03/18/2021 08:15:14 AM
The Central Conference of American Rabbis (CCAR) just concluded its annual convention. It was an engaging and enriching conference and included amazing scholars, the installation of new leadership (including a new president), and opportunities to connect with colleagues. Without question, though, one special highlight was the recognition and tribute...Read more...
New Beginnings
03/10/2021 04:15:47 PM
On Saturday evening we will enter the Hebrew month of Nissan, which in the Jewish calendar, is the first month. All mentions of other holidays and observances are measured in terms of how many months or weeks from the month of Nissan they occur. How did the month of Nissan become the first month and what might be its significance?
Two weeks before the Exodus from Egypt, God showed Moses the crescent moon and instructed him regarding...Read more...
We Are Not Free Until We Are All Free
03/02/2021 10:57:13 AM
Recently, some of our friends and colleagues at The Temple on Peachtree approached us with a compelling idea. They invited us to host Shabbat Services together this week in honor of a cause that our People hold very dearly. Of course, there are so many issues for which our communities can come together, but very few have touched us all so intimately, whether directly or indirectly. THIS Friday evening, as we mark Refugee Shabbat, we will...Read more...
Join Us for Purim Fun
02/22/2021 10:21:30 AM
I recall the conversations from a year ago. We had just heard, a few weeks prior, about the coronavirus, though at that time it didn’t look that serious to us here in Atlanta. So, we went about planning and preparing as we always do, keeping the experience of our congregants front and center. After all, Purim was on the horizon, and we had already invested a lot of energy and creativity into the megillah reading and the carnival. Helmed by...Read more...
True Resilience
02/18/2021 08:03:24 AM
I received my copy of Mishkan HaSeder, the new CCAR Press Passover Haggadah, in the mail this week. Like countless others, the Baskin-illustrated CCAR Haggadah - published in 1974 - helped shape our family’s Passover Seders for decades. After almost 50 years, though, it was definitely time for a new text. Like other publications in the “Mishkan series” that we have already use for many years at Temple Sinai (e.g. Mishkan Tefilah,...Read more...
We Will Hear
02/11/2021 07:59:24 AM
It was asked to a number of us a few months ago by someone doing research, what prayer we found most important. I along with many others answered, the Sh’ma. Our faith in one God is defined by the 6-word statement, “Hear, O Israel, Adonai is our God, Adonai is one.” And yet this prayer that is about wholeness, completeness and oneness, kind of sounds exclusive in its command….HEAR. If one cannot hear, can they be...Read more...
The Weather We Experience
02/03/2021 12:24:14 PM
Oscar Wilde said “conversation about the weather is the last refuge of the unimaginative.”
Reflecting upon this musing, I have come to the conclusion that I COMPLETELY disagree. As the Jewish People, so many of our holidays and so much of our liturgy is based on a complex understanding of the weather and the changing of the seasons. For instance, the holiday that just passed, Tu B'Shevhat, marks the emergence of warmer...Read more...
Words Matter
01/26/2021 08:53:49 AM
I was having a conversation with a friend the other night about senior quotes. In a high school yearbook, when students are in their final year, they are granted an opportunity to sum up their life, their story, their dreams, their future, their interests, how they are known… in a short, attributable quote. It has to be clever, it has to be somewhat original, and it has to be authentic. The pressure on, it is a pretty significant task, one...Read more...
A New Perspective
01/21/2021 08:49:04 AM
For many of us, the highlight of Wednesday's inauguration was the incredible Youth Poet Laureate, Amanda Gorman. Throughout Gorman’s life she struggled with speech and auditory processing issues. We listen to Gorman’s words, and we are moved to tears by her poise, her passion and her message. I think about the blood, sweat and tears it took her to ascend the steps of the Capitol and share her poem, “The Hill We Climb.” It is noted...Read more...
What Would MLK Say to Us Today?
01/13/2021 02:38:42 PM
As we prepare to remember and honor Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. on the Shabbat closest to his birthday, one burning question comes to mind. What would he say to us today? We are living through extraordinary and concerning times in the life of our country. If we cannot look to our nation’s icons of peace and social justice for wise and good counsel, to whom else would we turn?
One of his most prophetic statements was, “When our...
2020 Wynne Scholarship Winner Skyler Clark
01/11/2021 03:06:53 PM
Hi! I’m Skyler Clark and I’m currently on a gap year program called Bina Mechina in south Tel Aviv! The program I am on is designed for both pre-college Americans and international participants, and pre-army Israeli...Read more...
Hope for Better Days
01/05/2021 08:47:01 AM
Over the last week, I spent some time in the mountains and experienced snowfall. One day, as I walked through a field of fresh snow, I began to grow tired. I thought to myself: how am I going to make it to the other side at this rate? I looked down and watched as my foot crunched, sunk, and dug deeper into the snow with each step. I grew even more depleted.
But then, I decided to adopt a new strategy. I began to imagine that I was...Read more...
A Blessing for 2021
12/23/2020 11:32:31 AM
As tomorrow marks the end of one year, we offer this blessing for the year to come:
May we look forward to a new year with the hope that during every morning that we receive the gift of life we will wake up and thank God for that life. May 2021 fill us with a sense of gratitude and a sense of purpose. May we find ample reminders in this year ahead that our life matters, that life is sacred and holy, and that we have a large...Read more...
Jewish Heroes
12/21/2020 02:21:49 PM
The dictionary formally defines a hero as “a person with courage, one admired for his/her noble qualities and ideal acts.” In the context of our greater community, a Jewish hero is one who makes conscious decisions and sacrifices to ensure the strength of the Jewish people. Examples of Jewish heroes throughout history abound: great rabbinic sages, early Zionist pioneers, philanthropists, politicians, warriors and countless others whose...Read more...
It’s About Tradition
12/17/2020 10:15:24 AM
Recently Rabbi Levenberg and I were leading a ceremony where the Bar/Bat Mitzvah family is given the opportunity to offer an impromptu blessing for his/her child. One of the grandfathers said to the boy, “Each generation does this and now it’s your turn.” I thought it was such an empowering moment for the young man.
After the service the grandfather came up to me and in amazement said, “Gosh, I really don’t know how...Read more...