How are Sinai Space, Israel Independence Day, and an Owl Puppet Connected?
04/14/2021 08:32:08 AM
Let me begin by wishing all Chag Sameach, a happy holiday, as today is Yom Ha’atzmaut (Israel Independence Day). Beginning Wednesday evening and continuing until sundown today, the 3rd of Iyyar on the Hebrew calendar, marks what is now Israel’s 73rd birthday. Surely, this is a day worthy of great celebration. We thought we would offer some Yom Ha’atzmaut joy by sharing the most recent edition of Sinai Space, one of our fun Jewish education initiatives to emerge during this year+ of Covid isolation. Welcome to Sinai Space!
Recognizing that many youth services and programs such as Tot Shabbat simply did not translate to a virtual setting, our clergy and educators worked together to create a video series – Sinai Space - through which we sing songs, tell stories, teach values, and more. One regular segment of Sinai Space features a puppet - “Mensch Owl” - in dialogue with one of Sinai’s educators or rabbis about a particular middah (Jewish behavioral value or characteristic). We have previous segments featuring Mensch Owl and Ms. Jamah teaching the middah of ‘generosity’ (N’div Lev) as well as Mensch Owl and Ms. Marisa teaching the middah of ‘courage’ (Ometz Lev); both available on our Sinai website. Today, in celebration of Yom Ha’atzmaut, we are delighted to introduce Mensch Owl and Rabbi Brad discussing the middah of Ahava (love) and Ahavat Yisrael (love of Israel). You can see the Sinai Space video here. You will not only appreciate the stellar performances of Rabbi Brad and Mensch Owl but also get to see one of the many ways we demonstrate our commitment to infusing Israel education into our Jewish educational curriculum. Enjoy and Yom Huledet Sameach l’Yisrael – Happy Birthday Israel!