Join Us for Purim Fun
02/22/2021 10:21:30 AM
I recall the conversations from a year ago. We had just heard, a few weeks prior, about the coronavirus, though at that time it didn’t look that serious to us here in Atlanta. So, we went about planning and preparing as we always do, keeping the experience of our congregants front and center. After all, Purim was on the horizon, and we had already invested a lot of energy and creativity into the megillah reading and the carnival. Helmed by the team leading our Center for Learning and Engagement, it was indeed going to be a day filled with fun learning and great engagement.
We did go ahead with our Purim carnival, though admittedly by that point, with news of the coronavirus hitting Atlanta, though we had not yet heard about it coming to our Sinai community, our attendance was down rather significantly (which just meant more pizza for me!). Even with the lower turnout, though, it was a great morning and, for those two hours, the world was at bay and our community was joyous.
Now one year later, we have again arrived at the holiday of Purim, though we are approaching it very differently than we did last year. None can deny that our community has been impacted by Covid-19 and, with similar aplomb, none can deny that we are in need of some fun and laughter at this moment in time. That’s why we have our Purim CARnival, where congregants of all ages will be able to enjoy Purim fun and festivities from the safety of their cars. While there will be opportunities to hop out if one chooses to do so for a moment here and there, it was designed so that all of us, regardless of our comfort with leaving our vehicles, can enjoy the experience. And, not to be ignored, we have added, well, not quite a Purim shpiel to our programming this year, but a Purim Happy Hour to the Sunday 5:00 pm slot. This, too, will be a fun experience, taking place over Zoom, and an opportunity to do what we SHOULD be doing this Purim- laughing. (What did you think I was going to say? Okay, you can do that, too!)
As we navigate our own plans this weekend, we hope that you will join us for some Purim fun. Regardless of whether you do so with your Sinai community, though, we hope that, wherever you are, and whatever you choose to do, that you will do so with a smile, with laughter, and with joy.
Shabbat Shalom,