Temple Sinai Updated Reopening Plan
05/27/2021 08:00:34 AM
Two weeks after communicating Temple Sinai’s revised COVID protocols at the end of April, the CDC dramatically changed their COVID guidelines, warranting a complete overhaul of our own policies and procedures. The Temple Sinai Covid Task Force, in consultation with Sinai’s Physician Advisory Panel, is thus pleased to share the following reopening update and plans effective June 1.
Vaccination Status, Social Distancing, and Reservations
Temple Sinai will no longer require proof of vaccinations to attend programming or worship, as all congregants, regardless of vaccination status, are invited to attend all in-person activities. Further, space restrictions and attendance caps previously necessary to ensure social distancing have now been lifted. While reservations may still be required for certain programs, they are no longer required for worship.
Mask Wearing
Temple Sinai is no longer requiring attendees age 12 and over to wear facemasks to attend events. We strongly urge all congregants who have not been fully vaccinated, including those under the age of 12, to continue to wear masks at all times.
We recognize that some members of our community are unvaccinated, immunocompromised, have a condition that renders the vaccine less effective, or are under the age of 12, and we strongly encourage these individuals to continue wearing a mask at Sinai programs, during worship services, and in educational settings. As well, we appreciate that there are members of our community who may still feel more comfortable wearing a mask when attending in-person events, even if they have been fully vaccinated.
Common Areas
Recognizing that we have children in the building who are either not yet eligible for vaccination or who are in the process of becoming fully vaccinated, we will continue to require the wearing of masks by all members and guests in indoor common areas, including lobbies, hallways and restrooms during weekday business hours (8 am - 5 pm).
Preschool, Youth & Teen Programs
Our existing COVID protocols will remain in effect for our Preschool, Noar and HUB programs. These protocols will be adjusted accordingly at the beginning of the school year in August and will be communicated directly to Sinai youth and teens who are registered in those programs.
Virtual Participation
As an inclusive community, we will continue to offer opportunities for virtual participation for the vast majority of our programming, education, and worship services so that all are able to remain active participants in the life of our congregation.
High Holy Days
These new protocols will unquestionably have a significant impact on what we are now able to offer congregants for the High Holy Days. Although plans are still being finalized, members can anticipate opportunities to participate in person for prayer, study, and reflection. As noted above, virtual participation will also be an option for all who wish. Stay tuned for more details.
Recognizing you may have questions regarding these updated guidelines, we have put together a Q&A that you can find HERE. As well, feel free to respond to this letter with additional questions or comments and someone will be in touch as soon as possible.
With shalom, warm regards, and enthusiasm for the continuing transition to Temple Sinai life in person,
Lynn Redd, President
Adam Mayer, President-Elect
Ron Segal, Rabbi
Jack Feldman, Executive Director