Temple Sinai Reopening Plan
04/28/2021 11:15:00 AM
Dear Members of Temple Sinai,
After more than thirteen months of restricted physical access to Temple Sinai, I am thrilled to share that we are finally able to introduce plans for reopening! I hope you have participated in the countless opportunities for virtual worship, learning, and social experiences Sinai has offered since the start of the pandemic. Still, we all appreciate that nothing compares with actually being together, in person. Despite the somewhat daunting effort of reopening, we recognize the exciting opportunities awaiting our community as we look to a new, post-pandemic chapter in the life of Temple Sinai.
As has been the case since last March, Temple Sinai’s Covid Task Force* continues to play a central role in helping to determine guidelines and policies to ensure the health and safety of our congregants, staff, and community. Informed by the latest data and recommendations from the CDC, Johns Hopkins, the Georgia Department of Health, Sinai’s Physician Advisory Panel, and other scientific resources, the Covid Task Force has developed a cautious, short-term plan to govern Sinai’s policies for the next two months.
Reopening Plan for May-June 2021
In May, we will begin to offer in-person adult programming for fully vaccinated individuals. In-person attendance at programs will be limited to 50 participants, with RSVPs and proof of vaccination required for all events. Upload your card here. Social distancing and wearing masks will be optional. A list of in-person opportunities can be viewed at the bottom of this letter. Additionally, fully vaccinated congregants may meet with clergy and staff, all of whom have been fully vaccinated. For the foreseeable future, we will also continue to offer virtual opportunities and experiences for those who are unable to attend in person.
In June, fully vaccinated congregants may begin to attend Friday evening worship services in person, with a limit of 50 attendees; RSVPs and proof of vaccination will still be required. Of course, our Shabbat services will continue virtually as well, so whether at home, at the synagogue, or elsewhere, you will be able to participate. Anticipating there might be a strong desire to attend in person, a sign-up form has been created here. Please, sign up for only one service in June so that as many congregants as possible have the opportunity to return.
In June, in-person programming and learning opportunities will be expanded to include unvaccinated individuals. We will start with a maximum attendance of 35 at a “mixed” event (i.e. some attendees vaccinated, some not), and encourage outdoor settings; wearing masks and maintaining social distancing will be required at these events.
Fortunately, we have been able to offer safe, in-person educational opportunities for our preschoolers, youth, and teens throughout the current school year. Our current Preschool, Noar, and HUB (for teens) guidelines will remain the same through the end of the school year. Preschool policies and protocols will be reviewed prior to the start of summer camp on June 7.
Many have already begun asking about the High Holy Days. While plans are in their early stages of development, it is our hope to provide congregants who so desire an opportunity to participate in-person for prayer, study, and reflection during the months ahead. Stay tuned for more details!
Warm regards,
Lynn S. Redd
President, Board of Trustees
*Covid Task Force Members:
Shelly Dresdner, Associate Executive Director
Jack Feldman, Executive Director
Andrea Fineman, Director of Communications
Marisa Kaiser, Director of the Center for Learning & Engagement
Brad Levenberg, Rabbi
Jamah Maman, Director of Preschool and Young Family Learning & Engagement
Rachel Moldovan, Director of Youth Learning & Engagement
Lynn Redd, President, Board of Trustees