We still have several opportunities for you to make a difference in your community during the holidays and into 2023! We also invite all of you to share your thoughts about this important topic at our Social Action/Social Justice Listening Forum(part of our Culture of Belonging Initiative) on Sunday, January 8 at 2:00 pm. Our hope is for a plurality of voices expressing a multiplicity of opinions, leading to robust conversations.
We still have a few spots left for our December 24-January 1Family Promise Sinai Family ShelterHost Week! Temple Sinai provides the facilities and our members volunteer their time by providing dinner, miscellaneous supplies, overnight hosting, Saturday day hosting, helping the families move in and move out, and laundry.
USO Volunteers
Saturday, December 24 and Sunday, December 25
Volunteers are needed to help at the Atlanta Airport USO on Christmas Eve and Christmas Day. Two shifts are available: 10:00 am-2:00 pm and 2:00 pm- 6:00 pm. Must be 18.
Blood Drive
Sunday, January 8, 9:00 am-1:00 pm
Things that hurt more than giving blood #322: Accidentally hitting “Reply all”!
There is no substitute for human blood. One in three people will need blood sometime during their lives. Blood lasts only 42 days. Your regular donations are critically important. Click here to select a time and here to register for a RapidPass.
The Community Assistance Center seeks volunteers to serve as tax preparers and greeters for CAC clients. Becoming a tax preparer involves an online IRS certification test- open-book with study resources and in-person support available. It does not require an accounting background: tax software and reference material are provided. Volunteers can sign up for shifts at two different CAC locations, Monday/Wednesday evenings and Saturdays during the day.
Volunteer Drivers for Afghan Refugees (Afghan American Alliance)
Our Temple Sinai Circle for Immigrant & Refugee Justice is working with the Afghan American Alliance to assist refugees from Afghanistan who were forced to flee their country.
We need volunteers to drive members of these families to appointments such as Visa applications, OBGYN check-ups, etc. The drives will probably take 2-3 hours.If you have the time and would like to volunteer, or if you have any questions, please contact the co-chairs for this project Peter Savitz and Linda Richman.
EAAC Meeting
Wednesday, January 18, 7:00 pm (In Person & Virtual)
Hear updates about our existing initiatives and learn about how we will continue to have an impact at Sinai in 2023.
Make a contribution TODAY to the Education Scholarship Special Fund which supports scholarships available for students enrolled in the Temple Sinai preschool and Noar, as well as to attend Jewish camps or participate in Israel trips. For each donation, you will receive a fun water bottle sticker!