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Wednesday, September 27
5:30 pm Brotherhood Sukkah Raising RSVP Here
Brotherhood needs your help building our Temple Sinai Sukkah. At least 8 people required. Refreshments and snacks provided.

Friday, September 29
5:15 pm Family Shabbat & Pizza in the Hut RSVP Here
A family Shabbat service celebrating Sukkot, followed by Pizza in the Hut. There will be hands-on activities, and festive snacks to enjoy this harvest holiday. We recommend this program for families with young and school-aged children, but all ages are welcome! Cost is $10 for individuals 16+, $5 for kids 3-15; FREE for kids 2 and under.

6:30 pm Shabbat Evening & Sukkot Service (In Person & Virtual)
Please note the dinner after this service has been canceled.

Saturday, September 30
10:00 am Shabbat Morning & Sukkot Service (In Person & Virtual)

Sunday, October 1
9:45 am I Wonder: Exploring Sukkot (Registration is full but please email Liz Reynolds with questions.)
We invite you to join us to explore one of our favorite holidays: Sukkot. Through building, art, and lots of play we'll celebrate the harvest festival -- and some of our favorite fruits and vegetables! Best suited for kids 2-4, their siblings, and grown-ups.

12:30 pm SCRAPPY Kickoff - Ushpizin (Guests): Past and Present RSVP Here
After enjoying pizza, kindergarteners and 1st graders are invited to bring their imaginations to the art table, and create art that represents the people you want to invite into your sukkah. Cost is $15 per child.

12:30 pm Club 23 Hangin' in the Sukkah RSVP Here
Eat pizza and create decorations to hang in the sukkah with your 2nd and 3rd grade friends! Cost is $15 per child.

Monday, October 2
11:30 am Lunch & Learn in the Sukkah with NAVON RSVP Here
Join our 65+ community for a holiday celebration in Temple Sinai's beautiful sukkah! We'll have a delicious lunch catered by SabaRaba's, enjoy some fantastic company and learn with Rabbi Natan Trief. Cost is $10 per person. If you need transportation assistance we recommend calling a taxi or Uber. Temple Sinai is happy to reimburse you for any transportation fees if you can provide a receipt. Registration closes on Friday, September 29 at 10:00 am.

7:00 pm Women of Sinai Sushi in the Sukkah RSVP Here
Chef Hao An Chen will be with us in the sukkah making fresh sushi and she will even offer a short sushi-making lesson. We will eat, chat, shake the lulav and celebrate Sukkot. Cost is $20 per person which includes sushi, sake, wine, mocktails, dessert and more! Gluten free and vegan options will be available.

Tuesday, October 3
6:00 pm Moshav Dinner in the Sukkah RSVP Here
Enjoy a delicious meal, some fall sips and great company as we welcome new empty nesters to our wonderful community. Cost is $18 per person. Registration closes on Friday, September 29 at 2:00 pm.

Wednesday, October 4
6:30 pm Brotherhood BBQ in the Sukkah RSVP Here
Meet the men for a spectacular night of barbecue, bourbon and beer. Heirloom Market BBQ will be serving brisket, smoked chicken wings and sides. Vegetarian options available. This year we are adding a Brisket Contest - 6 BBQ pitmasters will compete to see who can cook the best brisket with the winning pitmaster taking home a unique prize. If you are interested, contact Alex at Cost is $10 for Brotherhood members and $30 for non-members.

Thursday, October 5
10:00 am Family Music Class: A Sukkot Pop-Up RSVP Here
Move and groove and shake the lulav and etrog with Taryn Rioseco of Here We Grow. There'll be plenty of time to play on the Mercaz after.

7:00 pm A Night Under the Sukkah with Adeena Sussman Honoring Rabbis Sam & Natan Trief RSVP Here
Cocktails and a family Shabbat dinner inspired by Adeena Sussman's cookbook recipes celebrating Rabbis Sam and Natan Trief. Cost is $54 per person and $36 per person under 40.

Friday, October 6
12:00 pm Israel Democracy Discussion & Lunch in the Sukkah (Registration is now closed.)
Many of us feel angst and concern over the state of democracy in Israel and its repercussions for the future of the state. Here in Atlanta, we’ve seen an Israeli-led protest movement supporting Israeli democracy and opposing the judicial overhaul. Members of this local protest movement will lead and engage in conversation about the risks to Israeli democracy and the role of our local community in the effort to protect it. Open to all Sinai members and guests. Lunch provided.

Friday, October 6
Simchat Torah
5:30 pm Kabbalat Panim
6:30 pm Shabbat Service
7:30 pm Oneg
A celebratory Kabbalat Panim and oneg honoring the holiday with Simchat Torah rituals during our Friday Shabbat service.

Saturday, October 7
10:00 am Shabbat & Yizkor/Sh'mini Atzeret Service (In Person & Virtual)

Sunday, October 8
10:00 am Sinai 20s & 30s Fall Hike RSVP Here
Hike the beautiful East Palisades Trail in Sandy Springs with Sinai 20s & 30s. Friends welcome. Meet at the Whitewater Creek Entrance at 4058 Whitewater Creek Rd NW, Atlanta - note that parking is $5 and can be paid onsite with cash or via QR code.

Sat, March 8 2025 8 Adar 5785