We welcome you to a special Scholar in Residence weekend with renowned scholar-warrior Dr. Rachel Fish.
Friday, March 15
5:45 pm Kabbalat Panim
6:30 pm Making Antisemitism Socially Unacceptable
Dr. Rachel Fish will deliver remarks on antisemitism and the aftermath of the October 7th attack and ensuing war during our Shabbat Service. Dr. Fish has spent years highlighting the antisemitism arising from universities and other institutions and will help outline a plan of action in order to help negate this phenomenon. Join us prior to Services for a festive Kabbalat Panim reception and stay afterward for a clergy-led discussion on Israel. Babysitting will be offered during services for children 2 years old to 4th grade. If you are interested in this option, please contact Rabbi Natan Trief here.
7:30 pm Navigating Antisemitism in the Wake of 10.7: Teen Dinner & Dialogue
Join with your friends for a teens-only dinner & dialogue with Dr. Fish. We'll be serving sushi (non-fish options also available) and there will be some giveaways also. Dr. Fish will be discussing the rising problem of antisemitism in the wake of the October 7th attacks and will allow time for anyone to share experiences and help process. She is an expert and dynamic teacher and facilitator and she'll be discussing a critically important topic. Bring your friends (Jewish and non-Jewish alike). For teens in Grades 8-12. THIS EVENT HAS BEEN MADE POSSIBLE BY THE GENEROSITY OF THE MELANIE AND ALLAN NELKIN TEEN EMPOWERMENT FUND. RSVP Here
7:30 pm Talking About Israel
Whether you are dropping your teen off for the event with Dr. Fish or if you would just like to join a discussion on Israel, please feel free to stay around after services for this informal conversation led by one of Sinai's clergy members. We'll break down some of the recent events and talk about some strategies for facilitating sensitive and difficult discussions. Wine and hors-d'oeuvres will be served. RSVP Here
Saturday, March 16
11:30 am Brunch Reception and Q&A with Dr. Fish
More than a scholar in residence, Dr. Fish is a scholar-warrior, and has been a champion for truth and justice in public spheres for many years now, especially as it relates to antisemitism and Jewish Peoplehood. Her thinking and output were highly relevant in the world prior to October 7th, and they have become crucial in the wake of those world-changing events. This will be an intimate setting to engage Dr. Fish in conversation over some of these pressing issues. RSVP Here
1:00 pm Live Podcast Recording: Campus Discourse Today Spilling into our Civic Space
Participate in a live podcast recording of our Seeking Sinai podcast. Rabbi Natan Trief will interview Dr. Fish including audience questions. As everyone knows, there has been much talk about the problem of antisemitism and illiberalism on college campuses, especially in the wake of October 7th. Dr. Fish has been an expert on campus culture and antisemitism for many years now, and her incisive and provocative style will help to illuminate this very charged topic. RSVP Here
Rachel Fish co-founded the nonprofit Boundless, a think-action tank partnering with community leaders across North America to revitalize Israel education and take bold collective action to combat Jew-hatred. Dr. Fish also serves as Special Advisor to The Brandeis University Presidential Initiative to Counter Antisemitism in Higher Education. She is also an associate research professor at the Cohen Center for Modern Jewish Studies. In addition, Dr. Fish teaches Israeli history and society at The George Washington University as Visiting Assistant Professor of Educational Leadership in the Graduate School of Education and Human Development.
Previously, Dr. Fish was the executive director of the Foundation to Combat Antisemitism. Rachel also served as Senior Advisor and Resident Scholar at the Paul E. Singer Foundation in New York City and Executive Director of the Schusterman Center for Israel Studies, where she trained the next generation of academics in the field of Israel Studies.
Her dissertation, “Configurations of Bi-nationalism: The Transformation of Bi-nationalism and Palestine/Israel 1920’s-Present,” examines the history of bi-nationalism and alternative visions for constructing the State of Israel. She has served on the faculty at Brandeis University, Harvard University, UMass Amherst, written articles for several publications in the mainstream press and academic journals, and co-edited the book “Essential Israel: Essays for the 21st Century.”