Shira Kline is an internationally acclaimed performance and ritual artist, recognized as a revolutionary educator and named one of the new re-engineers of Jewish life today. She is a weaver of sacred story and song, known on the kiddie rock stage as ShirLaLa and in the sanctuary as a spiritual adventurist. Shira tours extensively locally and globally with a vibrant invitation to audiences of all ages to connect, bringing ritual and art together for a new and realized conscious world. Shira will be with us Friday, November 12-Sunday, November 14 for a weekend of creative and inspiring musical experiences in honor of retiring veteran preschool teacher, Ms. Lauren Mahady. Ms. Lauren, our beloved music teacher of 35 years and founding member of Temple Sinai Preschool, inspired a generation of music makers to make the world more beautiful.
Here's our complete schedule of events for the weekend!
Friday, November 12
6:30 pm Shabbat Evening Service (In Person and Virtual)
Shira joins our clergy on the bima as a guest artist for services and a special blessing for Lauren Mahady.
Saturday, November 13
9:00 am Torah Study - STorahtelling (In Person and Virtual)
So, is G*D in this place or is this whole place within G*D? Come Saturday Nov 13 to climb Jacob’s ladder and ask an angel while you’re at it. Join Shira for Saturday morning STorah Study, integrating Judaism’s oldest form of sacred storytelling, ancient conversation into contemporary conversation. Join Virtually Here
10:00 am Contemplative Musical Shabbat Morning Service (In Person and Virtual)
Shabbat is an invitation - for left side and right side to come together, for pause, for breath, for refresh. For healing, poetic prayer, and meditation. ALL are welcome. Open to anyone both online or in person who is craving song, ritual, and some expansive time with the Divine. There will be opportunities for Mi Shebeirach and Kaddish. Join Virtually Here
5:45 pm Family Havdalah Concert (In Person)
For families with young children (toddlers through early elementary school) and the young at heart! Put on your PJ's and meet in the Mercaz at dusk to wish upon stars, hug like the havdalah candle, and smell the sweet scents of a new week on its way. In honor of all things magical and musical, you won't want to miss this high-energy wiggle giggle lovefest in honor of our retiring preschool teacher Ms. Lauren Mahady. This event is free to attend but please register. RSVP HERE
Sunday, November 14
9:30 am Noar Sunday (In Person)
Shira will bring music to its feet and explore curiosity of the spirit and sacred play for our Noar Sunday students.