It is the Hebrew month of Kislev, and Chanukah is fast approaching. Since Chanukah this year falls during winter break, we will spend our last Noar session of 2024 learning all about it. In honor of this learning, we invite all of your children to bring out their chanukah attire. Whether it is an ugly sweater, cozy PJS, or a sparkly Chanukah shirt, we can’t wait to see what you will wear!
We will return to Noar on January 12th for a semester full of exciting activities and special guests including visits from The Bible Players, Dan Nichols, and Charlie Kramer.
Upcoming Events: January 26- Scrappy Winter Wonderland
Upcoming events: January 12- Club23 Carnival
Upcoming events: January 10th- Club 45 Shul In
Upcoming events: December 13th- Club 6 at Activate January 12th- Special Speaker following Family Tefillah - RSVP here January 26th- Parent/child Field Trip to the Bremen Museum- RSVP here
Club 6 at Activate Friday, December 13, 6:00 pm-8:00 pm, Activate Buckhead Join your Temple Sinai 6th grade friends for a night of high-tech gaming as you run, jump, and dodge in a combination of games. Drop off at pick up at Activate Buckhead - 4540 Roswell Road, Suite A, Atlanta, GA 30342. Cost is $30 per child. You must sign a waiver in advance and this is also your gamertag.
Club 45 Shul-In (Lock-In) Friday, January 10, 6:30 pm - Saturday, January 11, 8:30 am Spend the night at Temple Sinai with your 4th and 5th grade friends! Start the shul-in party as you make your own slime, participate in a mitzvah project as the night goes on, and settle in later with a candy bar and movie. Enjoy breakfast in the morning before heading home. Cost is $100 per child. Register by Monday, January 6. This event must have a minimum of 15 registrants.
Club 23 Carnival Sunday, January 12, 12:30 pm-1:45 pm Temple Sinai second and third graders, it’s time to try your luck at the Club 23 Carnival! Feast on pizza and popcorn before you take on jumbo bowling, giant uno, and more. Enjoy some cotton candy to end on a sweet note! Drop-off is in the Social Hall, and pick-up is in the carpool line in the back parking lot. Cost is $10 per child.
SCRAPPY (K-1) Winter Wonderland Sunday, January 26, 12:30 pm-1:45 pm Walk into a SCRAPPY Winter Wonderland with your Kindergarten and 1st grade friends! After a pizza lunch, craft beaded snowflakes, make your own snow globe, and enjoy a “cold” cocoa bar (dairy-free options available). Drop-off and pick-up is in the Community Rooms. Cost is $20 per child.
Sex(ting), Drugs, Rock & Roll: Parenting Pitfalls with Attorney Jay Abt Sunday, January 12, 4:00 pm Parents of children of any age are invited to join well-known criminal defense attorney Jay Abt for an illuminating session on some of the greatest risks facing our children (and adults). Whether drinking, DUIs, fake IDs, sexting, the risks are many and they can have grave, unintended consequences. How can we best navigate those risks and what steps can we take to educate ourselves and our children? Temple Sinai is proud to co-sponsor this event with The Epstein School, The Davis Academy and JumpSpark ATL. With gratitude to the Greenwald Family Parenting Endowment Fund and attorney Jay Abt.
Mah Jongg Lessons Sunday, January 12, 9:30 am Discover the fun and strategy of Mah Jongg with Sinai's own Let’s Rack and Roll Mahjong, Gabby Spatt and Sami Tanenbaum. Gabby and Sami will guide you step-by-step through the basics of this timeless game, ensuring you feel confident and ready to play. Cost is $50 per person. Email to register and pay.
Sparks of Light + Summer Experience Expo Sunday, December 15, 5:00 pm, Ahavath Achim Synagogue Guests will enjoy a unique community event that combines the festive spirit of Chanukah with an exciting opportunity to explore the best in Jewish summer programs for kids, tweens, and teens.