I hope you are all having a great week! There is no Noar Sunday this week due to the President’s Day weekend.
We are pleased to offer a new Book Club for Noar children in grades 2-5. Gail Simon, volunteer extraordinaire, will guide children in a reading of the book The Hungry Clothes and other Jewish Folktales. This club will meet on Sunday mornings before Noar from 9:00-9:30. Please fill out this form if your child would like to be part of this experience.
Registration for Club 45 Movie Night on February 24th and Sculpt with Scrappy on February 25th are below. Please continue scrolling to see more events that are coming up over the next few weeks.
B’Shalom, Shanna
Upcoming events: February 25th- Family Tefillah
5th Grade B. Mitzvah Family Retreat Sunday, February 25, 9:30 am-4:00 pm Join together for a 1-day workshop to support your family in figuring out what is most important to you as you begin to think about your 5th grade child's B'nei Mitzvah. The program will include fun and meaningful activities, lunch, snacks, and childcare for younger Noar siblings, if needed. Limited to 25 families.
Family Purim Celebration Sunday, March 17, 11:00 am-1:00 pm
Come with us and you'll be in a world of PURIMagination: a SWEET celebration of Temple Sinai's creation. Games, treats, costume contests, and more will be your golden ticket to fun!
And for a PURIMitzvah, bring food items to donate to FL Stanton Elementary School, Camp Jenny's partner school.
Cost is $18.00 per person (all ages). This includes a wristband for access to all games and activities and 5 food tickets. You may purchase additional tickets.
The magic continues at our Family Megillah Reading on March 24.
Movie Night with Club 45 Saturday, February 24, 6:00 pm-9:00 pm Fourth and fifth graders, celebrate Black History Month at the Temple Sinai Movie Theater! Bring your favorite blanket and pillow and get comfy as you watch a movie voted on by you. Enjoy your fill of popcorn and candy for the full cinematic experience. Cost is $20 per person.
Sculpt with Scrappy (K-1) Sunday, February 25, 12:30 pm-2:00 pm Calling all kindergarteners and first graders to the sculpting table! Enjoy pizza and learn about everyday items created by Black inventors. Then get those creative juices flowing and build those inventions or your own out of clay. Cost is $20 per person. Noar Sunday students will be brought from their classroom to the event.