We hope you enjoyed time with family and friends over Winter Break!
There is no Noar Sunday session this week, the teachers will be spending time learning with sessions focusing on imparting Jewish Pride to our students and Meeting the Needs of All Learners. We look forward to having your kids back with us on January 21st. Please see information about upcoming special events for their Eidah (Unit) below.
While Noar Sunday is not meeting this week, Hebrew sessions will resume beginning Sunday. If you child is enrolled in Noar Hebrew on Sundays, this week only, the session will meet from 12:15-1:15.
We would like to begin Chuggim (electives) on January 21st when we return to Noar. In order to place children in Chuggim, we need your help. Please sit with your 2nd-6th grade child and select their Chuggim. You can find the form links below according to their Eidah (unit).
Thank you, Shanna
We are looking for a few parent volunteers. Please let me know if you are interested in:
being a grade level representative
volunteering at the Purim carnival
Click here for the Chuggim selection form for 2nd and 3rd grade.
We are looking for a few parent volunteers. Please let me know if you are interested in:
being a grade level representative
volunteering to help plan the Purim carnival
Upcoming events: Family Tefillah on January 21st
Click here for the Chuggim selection form for 4th and 5th grade.
We are looking for a few parent volunteers. Please let me know if you are interested in:
being a grade level representative
volunteering to help plan the Purim carnival
Click here to for the Chuggim selection form for 6th grade.
We are looking for a few parent volunteers. Please let me know if you are interested in:
being a grade level representative
volunteering to help plan the Purim carnival
Upcoming events: Parent child learning at the Breman Museum on January 28th, Please plan to attend with your child. Children will be meeting teachers at the Bremen. There will be a Holocaust Guest speaker on February 4th at 11:00. Parents are invited to attend with their child.
Gaming with Club 6 Connect Friday, January 26, 5:00 pm-7:00 pm, Activate Atlanta Join your Temple Sinai 6th grade friends for a night of high-tech gaming as you run, jump, and dodge in a combination of games. Choose your difficulty level, team up, and secure your electronic wristband as you take on challenges, and enjoy some pizza after you complete them! Pickup and dropoff atActivate - 4540 Roswell Rd Suite A, Atlanta, GA 30342. You must sign a waiver to participate. Cost is $30 per person.