What You Need to Know for Noar this Sunday & Adopt a Family - 11.12.2023
11/09/2023 09:53:07 AM
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Dear Noar Families,
I hope you have all had a good week! We are looking forward to another Sunday filled with energy and excitement.
This year, we are spending more time focusing on Tzedakah. Maelyn Alexander, one our Madrichim, has taken on the job or parnterning Noar with World of Change. She is helping your children understand the impact their change can have on the world.
There are two more opportunities that you have to participate in mitzvot as a family. First, see the link below, to sign up and participate in Temple Sinai's Adopt a Family program. Drop off times are listed and one is this week during Noar. Another opportunity is for your family to write letters for Israelis to be sent with Federation representatives. These letters should be divided into 3 categories, Bereaved Families, Displaced Families, and Soldiers in the IDF. If your family would like work on these together, we will collect them at Noar this Sunday and send them to Federation.
December offers several opportunties for family engagement. Please see below for more information on Family Shabbat, "All the Feels" with Allison Edwards and Chanukah Havdallah as well as youth group events. I want to encourage you and your children to participate and build your Temple Sinai home.
B’shalom, Shanna
2023 Temple Sinai Adopt a Family Program Benefiting the Community Assistance Center (CAC) Temple Sinai is again partnering with the CAC to provide gifts for families this holiday season. Your gift will ensure that these children have a way to celebrate and receive some much-needed joy! Click here to be directed to sign up to “adopt” a child for the holidays by purchasing from their wish lists.This page also has information about how and when to drop off gifts. Note the only Sunday drop off time available is this Sunday, November 12.
Please send coats or jackets as children still spend a few minutes on the Mercaz (playground) and have activities outdoors. Please send Tzedakh with your child. Upcoming events: December 10th Give the "Gift the Camp" camp fair
Please send coats or jackets as children still have activities outdoors. Please send Tzedakh with your child. Please send a shelf stable food item with your child this week. These will be used as part of a lesson and then donated to a food pantry after class. Upcoming events: December 10th Give the "Gift the Camp" camp fair
Please send coats or jackets as children still have activities outdoors. Please send Tzedakh with your child.
Upcoming events: Dec 3rd Family Tefillah December 10th Give the "Gift the Camp" camp fair
No Noar Sunday or Noar Hebrew for 6th grade on November 12th Upcoming events: December 10th Give the "Gift the Camp" camp fair
Club 45 & Club 6 Connect Are the Main Event Saturday, December 2, 7:00 pm-9:00 pm Club 45 and Club 6 Connect are joining forces at Main Event Atlanta (3101 Cobb Pkwy SE Suite 104, Atlanta, GA 30339)! Energize with pizza, and take your shot at a strike with your 4th, 5th, and 6th grade friends. When you’re done bowling, head to your next activity of laser tag or gravity ropes for any game redemption or a repeat victory. Cost is $30 per person.
Family Shabbat Service & Dinner (Grades K-6) Friday, December 1, 5:45 pm Have you been looking for that sense of community and just right service for your school age family? Our new Family Shabbat is for you! We invite families of elementary-aged children to come together for challah-making, a service geared toward families, and a Shabbat dinner. After dinner, we'll take the kids for an activity while you win(e)d down with other parents! Cost is $10 for 16+, $5 ages 3-15 and kids under 3 are free.
Family Chanukah Havdalah Saturday, December 9, 6:30 pm Gather together to celebrate Chanukah and Havdalah. We will make candles, play dreidel, eat traditional foods and celebrate the light with a Havdalah ceremony and Chanukah candle lighting. Cost is $10 for 16+, $5 ages 3-15 and kids under 3 are free.
Parent Program with Child Psychotherapist Allison Edwards
All the Feels: Learn How to Build Emotional Muscles with Allison Edwards Sunday, December 3, 10:00 am This engaging breakfast forum will center around the development of emotional resilience in both you and your child. Our guest speaker, Allison Edwards, a child psychotherapist, play therapist and author of Flooded- A Brain Based Approach to Help Children Regulate Emotions, will be leading the conversation. All guests are welcome at this community event co-sponsored by the Greenwald Family Parenting Endowment Fund of Temple Sinai, The Epstein School and The Davis Academy.