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Opening Day Recap

08/30/2023 02:31:12 PM


Shoreshim K

This week in Bayit, we learned about the synagogue.  We thought about Kavod (respect) and how we can show it at Noar.

Shoreshim 1st

This week in Bayit, we learned about the synagogue. with our teachers and friends.  We played games to help us appreciate the idea of B'tzelem Elohim (we are all created in God's image).  We made class rules to make sure we treat our friends and space with kavod (respect).

Chaverim 2nd and 3rd

This week in Bayit, we learned about the Jewish year, met our classmates, and practiced the Jewish Life vocabulary that we will hear in Noar.

Orim 4th and 5th

This week in Bayit, we learned about B'tzlelem Elohim (we are all created in God's image) by making lucky stones and playing ice breakers.  

Zehut 6th grade

This week in Bayit, we learned about Jewish Peoplehood through activities.  We explored a spectrum of Jewish identity and created identity bulls eyes.


Sat, January 4 2025 4 Tevet 5785