Carpool Talk & Noar + HUB News 3.19
03/19/2023 09:09:05 PM
We had another great day of Noar and H.U.B. (our teen learning program!)
Each Carpool Talk newsletter has a brief description of what your child did today, along with 2-3 open ended questions you can ask them to keep the conversation going.
All Eidot (units) started the day with Boker Kehilah (morning meeting) to learn about the Middah of the week and break the ice!
Hebrew letter of the week: Pay (*it may be different for Shoreshim (Pre-K-1)
Jewish Life vocab of the week: Pesach (Passover)
Mensch Middah of the week: Bina (Understanding)
Shoreshim (Pre-K-1)
This week in Bayit, we learned about Passover by creating a web. From there, we talked about some Passover symbols and made seder plates. During chugim, we played Passover BINGO, did an afikoman search and more! We also learned about Israel from our Shinshin, Omer, and Hebrew through Movement with Or, and participated in T'filah with Cantor Beth!
1. What are some items on a Passover seder plate?
2. What other things do families do on Passover?
3.What happens with the afikoman?
Chaverim (Grades 2-3)
This week in Bayit, we learned about leaving Egypt through learning about Miriam’s song and honing our leadership skills. Students also participated in Hebrew through Movement with Or, T'filah with Cantor Beth, and their "chug" (elective) choice!
1. What happened when Moses and Miriam led their people out of Egypt?
2. Why were the women vital to helping everyone leave Egypt?
3. How were you a leader today like Miriam or Nachshon?
In chugim (electives) see below for each program!
- SHIRA (choir) learned about melodies and Jewish songs and sang!
- MAKERSPACE learned about the "symbols" of the Passover seder, namely the afikomen and Elijah, and how they represent freedom and what it means to the Jewish people. They then made things for Elijah to sit on or hide the afikomen.
- SPORTS students learned about the characters in the Magid (the Passover story) by playing "catch one, catch all" tag. They then played some basketball.
- ART students learned about the symbolism of Elijah and worked on cups for Elijah, then moved onto Miriam's cups and hand washing cups when they finished.
Orim (Grades 4-5)
This week in Bayit, we learned about Jewish Funerals through a Q& A with the Rabbi and some discussion and reflection. Students also enjoyed their "chug" (elective) class, T'filah with Rabbi Ron, and more! Ask me these three things:
1. What are some Reform rituals around funerals?
2. What are some rituals around funerals around the world?
3. What else did you do today in K’hillah or Hebrew through Movement?
- MAKERSPACE learned about the "symbols" of the Passover seder, namely the afikomen and Elijah, and how they represent freedom and what it means to the Jewish people. They then made things for Elijah to sit on or hide the afikomen.
- SPORTS students learned about the characters in the Magid (the Passover story) by playing "catch one, catch all" tag. They then played some basketball.
- COOKING students learned about the difference in Sephardic and Ashkenazi and made a typical Ashkenazi recipe--matzah pizza!
- SCIENCE students learned about the Burning bush and wondered--what made it burn but not catch fire? Students watched a chemical reaction to metal and then tried to start their own fires without using a lighter.
Zehut (Grade 6)
This week in Bayit, we moved through a Moving Traditions workshop called “Would you rather?” We explored ethics in Judaism. Students also began their "chug" (elective) choice by choosing between, Judaism says what?!, Sports, American Sign Language or Art. Students also particpated in T'filah with Rabbi Ron, and Dr. Tarece's class went to Hebrew through Movement with Or while Emily's class went to learn about Israel from our Shinshin, Omer.
- SPORTS students learned about the characters in the Magid (the Passover story) by playing "catch one, catch all" tag. They then played some basketball.
- ART students learned about the symbolism of Elijah and worked on cups for Elijah, then moved onto Miriam's cups when they finished.
- AMERICAN SIGN LANGUAGE students started learning the Shema in ASL.
- JUDAISM SAYS WHAT?! started learning about the Passover story.
H.U.B. (Grades 7-8)
Our Madrichim-in-Training (Grades 7-8) started the day with a Workshop on Leadership and how to role models. Then all H.U.B. students went to their ew elective after 15 minutes of community building. Students went to:
- JEWS AND NETFLIX: Students discussed what makes a show "Jewish" and started watching "13 the Musical."
- JUDAISM SAYS WHAT?!: Students learned about Jewish ritual practices that they didn't know before!
- MY VOICE IS POWERFUL: Students learned about advocacy and how to wield their words.
H.U.B. Grade 9
9th graders helped in Noar classrooms as Junior Madrichim, and then went to their second HUB session of this trimester with Joel on "For the Sake of Argument" in talking about the future of Judaism.
H.U.B. Grade 10
10th graders are in New York for the annual New York trip. Stay tuned for more!