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		                                    Special Assistance Seating & Parking		                                </span>

How do I reserve special assistance parking and seating?

Complete this form and identify the service(s) in which you require special assistance parking and/or seating. Your e-parking passes will be emailed to you directly from the SimpleTix platform in early September.

Should you need assistance, please contact 404-252-3073 or email Read below for information on who is eligible and the steps to purchase tickets. The deadline to reserve special assistance parking and seating is Wednesday, September 25.

Who is eligible for special assistance parking and seating?

E-Parking Passes for On-Site Parking* AND Special Assistance Seating** may only be requested for:
• Individuals who are in need of a walker or wheelchair

Parking Permits* can also be requested for individuals who:
• Have a state-issued handicap parking pass
• Have a significant mobility issue

*To allow for all with an e-pass to access the building, and buses to move through the parking lot with ease, a parking attendant will park and retrieve cars for all individuals with an e-parking pass (no exceptions).

**Individuals who qualify for special assistance seating may request up to four seats. Seats will be held until 20 minutes before the service begins and then will be released for open seating.

Fri, January 31 2025 2 Sh'vat 5785