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		                                    High Holy Days 5785		                                </span>

We can't wait to welcome you for the High Holy Days!

We are pleased to continue the use of e-tickets for the High Holy Days and have simplified the process for you to receive your unique e-ticket. Select the 'E-Ticket' option below to learn more.

New this year!! For security reasons, tickets are required to be scanned for all services including those that are open to the community. You will need to display e-tickets upon entry for every service you attend either printed or on a mobile device.

Frequently Asked Questions

  • Children under 22 years old do not need tickets.
  • Member tickets provide access to all services.
  • Should you need guest or non-member tickets to any service open to the community, click here.

For assistance, contact 404-252-3073 or email Note due to a high call volume during the High Holy Day season, email is preferred and we greatly appreciate your patience! 

General Information

As we gather together, please join us to help create a courteous and respectful atmosphere for worship, study and community in our holy space:
• Please turn off or silence cell phones during all services.
• The sanctuary doors will remain closed while the congregation is standing and during the sermon.
• During these sacred Holy Days, please allow congregants the opportunity for prayer and reflection by keeping noise in the sanctuary and the lobby to a minimum.

Important Dates and Deadlines
September 25: 5785 Babies Form Due Complete Form Here
September 25: Special Assistance Seating and Parking Selections Due Reserve Here
September 25: Erev Rosh HaShanah Dinner Registration Due RSVP Here

Prayer Books
We remain grateful to the children and grandchildren of Eva and George Stern, who enabled us to purchase copies for every member of the congregation. If you would like to purchase books to follow along at home, click here for details.

Saving of Seats
In order to enhance the High Holy Days experience for everyone, attendees will only be able to save a seat for themselves, one additional adult, and each non-adult accompanying child. Congregants wishing to reserve seats for additional family members or friends will need to ensure there is one adult present for every two seats.

Feeling a sense of community during Shabbat services
Rocking an infant to sleep in the solitude of the night
Offering a prayer of gratitude after a scary accident
Taking a break to appreciate nature
Reciting Shema when tucking the kids into bed
Staring out at a vast ocean
Expressing gratitude to God upon awakening
Enjoying a few minutes of solitude in the sanctuary
Watching child(ren) become B’nei Mitzvah
Sharing Shabbat dinner with family and friends
Sitting at a parent’s bedside and expressing love
Davening with a morning minyan
Volunteering and traveling in Israel

Special moments such as these are some of the places and times many of us experience a genuine sense of the sacred in our lives. Whether overcome by the grandeur of creation, moved by the presence of loved ones, or reassured by the security of community, such moments have sacred potential because they are “heart-opening” and remind us that we are part of something much bigger than ourselves. During the Holy Days and throughout the year ahead, may we strive to enter each day with greater intention and a heightened alertness to experiences that open our hearts and enable us to find our sacred moments.

To facilitate awareness of Sinai experiences imbued with this potential during the year ahead, look for this logo in future publicity. 

L’shanah tovah – wishing all a year that is good, sweet, peaceful, and filled with sacred moments,


Sat, March 8 2025 8 Adar 5785