Be an Upstander for Anne Frank in the World
05/08/2019 09:13:39 AM
Last week, Ilana and her Epstein classmates had a profound experience. Presently on the 8th Grade Trip to Israel, the students were able to take part in the national commemoration of Yom HaShoah, the day dedicated to remembering the Holocaust and the murder of six million Jews. Throughout Israel, a siren sounds and all citizens stop what they are doing and stand at attention. Even those driving will stop their cars, open their doors, and stand solemnly for one minute. This is indeed quite moving and is a moment that she and her classmates will not soon forget.
Ilana and so many middle schoolers have found their way to understanding the Holocaust by reading The Diary of Anne Frank, a narrative written by a middle-school girl in hiding. The writing is touching, sad, and offers a doorway into learning about both the good – and the tragic – in the human experience.
Sandy Springs is privileged to house the Anne Frank in the World exhibit, a multi-media experience that tells the story of Anne Frank, the Diary, and the Holocaust. The space has seen countless visitors come through and continues to inspire sacred conversations about what it means to be an upstander and how our choice to remain bystanders can have devastating consequences.
As a part of the development of downtown Sandy Springs, there are plans in the works to relocate Anne Frank in the World to a more central (and appealing) location. Of course, before making the decision about relocating the exhibit, the Sandy Springs City Council should know whether we value and would like it to remain in Sandy Springs.
If you believe that the exhibit is a worthwhile component of Sandy Springs and that it should receive more deliberate placement, please take a moment to click here. Doing so will open a link to be able to email the Mayor, the members of the Sandy Springs City Council, and one of the officers of the Georgia Holocaust Commission. Text will auto-populate, encouraging those on the email to vote in favor of retaining Anne Frank in the World in a more prime location. You can also copy and paste the message below into your email.
Wishing you a Shabbat Shalom,
Letter to Sand Springs Officials:
The City of Sandy Springs is considering the building of a CULTURAL CENTER to house the Sandy Springs Hospitality Center, the Sandy Springs Perimeter/ Chamber of Commerce, the Georgia Commission on the Holocaust and the Anne Frank in the World Exhibit. I believe that this project will be a wonderful addition to the City Springs campus and provide a new home for the entities cited above, particularly the Anne Frank in the World Exhibit.
I encourage you to support for this measure by casting an affirmative vote with regard to the above.
Thank you,
NAME: ____________________________________________
ADDRESS: _________________________________________