Don't Get Stuck in the Mud
04/25/2019 08:00:21 AM
An oft-shared story connected to the Exodus relates that, as the Israelites crossed through the Reed Sea on their journey to freedom, there were two particular men who were consumed with the fact that their sandals and feet were getting muddy. They did not appreciate the awesome walls of water, miraculously divided to enable their passage, nor did they the magnitude of God’s blessing and redeeming power. For these individuals, who could not lift their eyes from the ground, there was no miracle; there was only mud.
As this Passover holiday concludes - Friday at sundown if observing 7 days – I sincerely hope all have been able to lift their eyes to behold something miraculous and awesome this week. There is surely no shortage of muck in our world about which one could remain preoccupied every minute of the day. But despite the prevalence of tragic violence, poverty, hunger, hatred, and intolerance of difference, I hope all were able to enjoy the blessing of sitting at a Seder table with friends and loved ones, and that we stopped to appreciate the glorious weather which marked the beginning of this week. With the ever-increasing list of challenges that demands our attention, the invitation is not to get stuck in the mud, but to find something special for which to be grateful each day, perhaps even something miraculous which takes our breath away.
In the spirit of gratitude, allow me to express my profound and heartfelt appreciation to countless among our Sinai family who have reached out over the past month in regard to my position with the CCAR (Central Conference of American Rabbis). Your mazel tovs, expressions of love and pride, contributions in recognition, congratulatory notes, Facebook posts, and significant efforts to travel to Cincinnati for the service and installation have all been touching and incredibly meaningful. You have unquestionably enabled me yet again to lift my eyes in appreciation of the tremendous blessings which accompany the unique and special privilege of serving this holy and beautiful congregation. Truly, thank you all.
May every day of this Omer period provide each and every one cause to count the blessings in our lives.