The “Good Old Days”
10/16/2018 10:36:16 AM
I love hearing about the “good old days” when it only took 30 minutes to drive 4 miles in Atlanta. Granted, those days date back a century or so, and I believe our recollection of the days when Atlanta was not as burdened with traffic are, in part, a bit of revisionist history. But it is not the recollection that stays with me, it is the context of the comment: often the line comes amidst a more lengthy conversation about the traffic and the busy-ness of Atlanta today.
I think it is interesting that we tout having the world’s busiest airport. To me, busy and congestion and the time it takes to traverse the space to reach a destination is not something about which we should be bragging. Don’t get me wrong, I love that Atlanta is this major metropolitan hub and a destination of choice for virtually every demographic and virtually every industry. The excitement of Atlanta is partially what so inspired me upon my move to this locale.
But I wonder where we are going. I wonder where we can still grow, where we can accommodate more people and the problems that accompany population growth. I wonder what areas of Atlanta are “next” on the list of “hot” and “hip” places (and I recognize that by putting those words in quotes I am anything BUT hip!).
Sunday Morning Learning this week features a friend of mine, Mike Alexander, from the Atlanta Regional Commission. Mike has the answers to these questions and more. He is a gifted speaker and, as one who is geographically challenged and who bores easily with numbers and statistics, I have found his presentation to be well beyond engaging. I’ve wanted to bring him here for three years now, and I am delighted that we are able to make it happen.
There is no charge for his program (there never is for Sunday Morning Learning) and you don’t have to RSVP. But please do plan on coming – you’ll be wowed. See you from 10:00-11:15 in the Kranz Learning Center this Sunday morning.
Shabbat Shalom,