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Creating Positive Jewish Memories

06/18/2018 04:42:19 PM


Rabbi Brad Levenberg

I sit here in Atlanta with my bags, well, not-yet-packed for a return visit to Camp Barney and a return week at Camp Coleman this upcoming Sunday…and I could not be more excited. There is something very special about the camp community.  Nowhere else is there amassed such talent and skill in one place, all with one common purpose: to create positive Jewish memories.  They sing, they dance, they tell stories, perform skits, and they prepare fantastic programming.  But the common thread that unites this multi-faceted staff is that they all, with every conversation they have, with every high-five, with every encouraging remark, inspire, engage, and connect kids to their Judaism, their community, and even their innermost self. We see this at Barney and we see this at Coleman and at 6-Points and in so many other Jewish camps where our kids spend their summers.
During my time on Faculty at Camp Coleman, I am looking forward to other additional highlights. It is always great to see our Temple Sinai kids, 60 in all this summer at Coleman. But it is also a joy to interact with the counselors: these are young people who love their kids, young people who take the time to make sure everyone is included, specialists who are experts at their trade, programmers who create amazing sessions, and a senior staff team who all work together to make camp what it is: a laboratory for the best of what Judaism can be.  This is it, folks; this is what we talk about, this is what we dream about, and it is right here in the North Georgia Mountains.
But now is time to pack my bags and prepare for a phenomenal experience. To the parents who have not yet thought about Jewish summer camp, allow me to invite you to consider the gift of Jewish camping to your kids. I’d love to be able to visit them next summer as well.
Rabbi Brad Levenberg

Fri, January 31 2025 2 Sh'vat 5785