As our world population gets bigger and bigger we are faced with a difficult predicament: how do we feed everyone? Recognizing this predicament, Israel came up with a solution to this question. Inventor Rafi Mehudar created a drip irrigation technology that he developed for the water company Netafim. Netafim has already increased available food in remote parts of the world. Drip irrigation is an innovative type of irrigation that is able to preserve water and nutrients and in turn grow food in unlikely climates.
Baruch Ata Adonai Eloheinu Melech ha’olam, asher kid’shanu b’mitzvotav v’tzivanu al sefirat ha’Omer. Blessed are You Adonai, Sovereign of all, who hallows us with mitzvot, commanding us to count the Omer.
Today is the 45th day, which is 6 weeks and 3 days of the Omer.
Temple Sinai 5645 Dupree Drive Sandy Springs, GA 30327-4303