Pirkei Avot 2:5: "Do not judge your fellow until you have stood in his place."
Interpreted by Ellen and Sandy Schwartz
Preceding this advice, Hillel says: “Don’t be too sure of yourself until the day of your death.” Don’t think your fellow doesn’t measure up to you and your standards.Your job is not to judge, but to accept and try to understand and help. You don’t know how you would act if you were in his or her place.
What is someone’s “place?” One translation says “equal.” You can never be equal to others because you cannot replicate their biological, sociological, psychological place. It’s impossible for you to judge and condemn. You are not him, you are not her.
You can’t judge your fellow, but you can judge the person in whose place you are: yourself.
In our present divisive world, we have chosen to belong to Temple Sinai for individual reasons. Although we each see Temple Sinai through different lenses, we support each other. Now in our 50th year, we are grateful to our Clergy for nurturing us to be a community with these ideals.
Baruch Ata Adonai Eloheinu Melech ha’olam, asher kid’shanu b’mitzvotav v’tzivanu al sefirat ha’Omer. Blessed are You Adonai, Sovereign of all, who hallows us with mitzvot, commanding us to count the Omer.
Today is the 20th day, which is 2 weeks and 6 days of the Omer.
Temple Sinai 5645 Dupree Drive Sandy Springs, GA 30327-4303