Shabbat to Shabbat: What's in A Year
06/29/2017 05:05:15 PM
What’s in a year?
July 1st. A day that for rabbinical students always stands out...July 1st is the day a new rabbi starts his or her job.
July 1st, 2016. It seems like a lifetime ago, and simultaneously it seems like just yesterday.
I arrived in Atlanta on June 28th, 2016 a bit jet lagged, but totally excited after a 15 hour flight from Asia. In retrospect, it would have been wise to arrive in Atlanta 1 month earlier. However, I decided to embrace my husband’s life philosophy: live each and every day to its fullest. Organization, unpacking and logistics will somehow workout and happen along the way.
When I showed up at Sinai on July 1, I had no idea what to expect. I looked around at what was once an empty office (now I have at least 10 pairs of shoes in my filing cabinet), not sure where to begin, who was who, and what was what. But sometime between then and now, something magical happened. Temple Sinai became my home, and it is because of all of you. Knowingly or not, every single person here has impacted me...because in our entirety, we make up the magic that is the Temple Sinai Community.
So thank you. Thank you for teaching me that the most valuable things in our lives are the things that emerge out of the unknown. The things that come from taking a risk, until the unknown becomes known and an inextricable part of our identity.
Thank you for standing by my side with patience, and kindness as I have learned the ropes. Thank you for letting me mess up. Thank you for letting me share my worries and doubts with you. Thank you all for putting your faith in me. Thank you for letting me be with you on some of your saddest days, and on some of your happiest days. Thank you for your heartfelt welcome dinners, and notes, packages and more. Thank you for filling this year with meaning, and blessing, and purpose. Thank you for accepting me.
A special shout out to Rabbi Ron, Rabbi Brad and Cantor Beth for guiding me, every single day. I could not even dream up better mentors, teachers, and friends. And to the rest of the staff, who have truly become my family in Atlanta, thank you for embracing me and showing me all the best lunch spots.
So this Shabbat, I celebrate a year of learning, a year of relationships, and a year of love! Chazak chazak v'nitchazeck, be strong, be strong and let us strengthen one another.