How Are You Using Your Freedom?
01/27/2025 08:42:09 AM
Freedom is a complicated thing. In Parashat Bo, we see the Israelites on the cusp of liberation after generations of slavery. But it doesn’t come with a simple snap of the fingers. Instead, it’s a messy process, punctuated by plagues, Pharaoh’s stubbornness, and the Israelites’ own hesitations. And yet, in the midst of this chaos, the Torah introduces something remarkable: the first mitzvah given to the Jewish people as a nation— and it’s a biggy. Wait for it… ready?
The first commandment given to the Jewish people as a nation is the commandment to mark time; to establish a calendar.
While it may seem a bit anti-climactic, there is a key message in this mitzvah. Why a calendar? Because freedom isn’t just about escaping oppression; it’s about what we do with that freedom. It’s about taking control of our days, shaping our future, and grounding ourselves in purpose. The Israelites aren’t just told, “You’re free now.” They’re given the tools to build a meaningful life—to mark beginnings and endings, to create sacred time, to move from surviving to thriving.
This lesson resonates beyond the story of Exodus. So many of us experience moments when we break free from something that has held us back—a toxic relationship, a dead-end job, a limiting mindset, the latest news cycle. But what comes next? Parashat Bo reminds us that freedom without direction can feel as aimless as slavery. It’s the choices we make—how we spend our time and what we prioritize—that give freedom its meaning.
May we find time over this upcoming Shabbat to take a moment for reflection and ask these two important questions:
How am I using my freedom?
What will I build with the time I’ve been given?
The answers can be powerful, for if we take the time to thoughtfully consider each prompt, our responses can shape the story of our own liberation.
Shabbat Shalom.