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Caring for the Caregiver

05/22/2024 10:24:50 AM


Rabbi Sam Trief

Sinai is hosting a special event for caregivers called Caring for Caregivers on Thursday, June 13 from 6:00 pm-8:00 pm at Temple Sinai. Sinai’s Hineini (Accessibility and Inclusivity) and Nefesh (Mental Health) Committees partnered together in this effort, motivated by the idea that at some point we are all caregivers, and ourselves, in need of care. And while caring for others can be rewarding, it might also be one of the most complex challenges of our lives. And so, your Sinai Community wants to support YOU. We want you to take a night off. To join us for dinner. To meet a new friend and to recharge, receive resources, and to be in community. If you are dealing with the heavy lifting of caregiving for anyone, of any age, this evening is for you.

As we enter this Shabbat, I offer you these words of prayer for the caregiver:

“Sustainer of the Universe, help me to care for my loved one, with hope, courage, and sensitivity.

Grant me insight, resourcefulness and the ability to ask for help and to accept help when it is needed.

May I find the patience to overcome difficult moments and to find meaning and purpose in the smallest task. O Eternal God, help me to remember to take care of myself so that I may have the strength to help others.

Be with me and my loved one, as we journey on this path together. May the One who makes peace in the heavens, bring peace to me, to my family and loved ones, and to us all.”  - Author Unknown

If any of this speaks to you. Please register to attend and we hope to see you on Thursday, June 13th. Chazak, Chazak, V'nitchazek. May we be strong, and may we strengthen one another.

Sat, September 7 2024 4 Elul 5784