Cherish Life & Celebrate the Light
09/28/2023 07:24:30 AM
“Shabbat is a state of mind, the togetherness, the conversation, the ritual of the dinner—that’s the centerpiece. People are looking for safe and soft landing spots these days.”
This beautiful reflection on Shabbat was written by best-selling author and chef, and all-around incredible person, Adeena Sussman, in a recent Wall Street Journal Article linked here.
And, ain’t that the truth? So many of us are looking for a safe and soft place to land, and for many of us, we are lucky that Temple Sinai is that place.
So, when approached by an amazing member of our Sinai Family Debbie Lieberman about bringing Sussman to our community, the answer HAD to be yes.
We knew Adeena was going to be touring the United States in the beginning of October. To be candid, we were worried about the timing, with all of the bustle and chaos that the fall and Jewish Holidays can bring. However, Adeena’s energy is so infectious that we were determined to make it work.
Our Tradition teaches us, “As soon as the fast of Yom Kippur concludes, pound the first nail into the sukkah!”
And so, I hope you will join me in embracing Sukkot and this new Jewish year of 5784! Perhaps some of your goals are similar to mine: to elevate my Shabbat practice, to spend more time with friends, to cook more delicious meals and to enjoy more time outside.
And this is precisely what we are planning to do on Thursday, October 5 as we welcome Adeena to Temple Sinai for Sukkot. Together, we will sip Pomegranate Sumac Margaritas, enjoy a cooking demonstration, chat with friends new and old, celebrate Israel and end the night with Lemon Black Sesame Bundt Cake and Shaken Iced Tahini Coffee in the Sukkah (spoiler alert!!)
We certainly hope you will join us, and are so grateful to Israel Bonds for hosting this fabulous experience for us at Temple Sinai. You can find more information and register here.
As we concluded our Yom Kippur Services a few days ago, our prayer book offered us this blessing:
“May we shelter one another in the sukkah...may we share hospitality and friendship in the days to come...Mindful that our days are fleeting, we prepare to taste the sweet fruits of this season; to cherish life, to celebrate the light.”
That is my hope and prayer for us all. Shabbat Shalom and blessings for a joyful Sukkot.