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Atlanta Commemorates Israel

04/20/2023 09:08:17 AM


Rabbi Sam Trief

Coming from New York, I must admit I had a fair amount of Northeastern elitism... Is there really a thriving Jewish World outside of NYC?  And, if so, what do Jews in the South know about Jewish culture and experience?

And then I came here, and now, even 7 years later, I find myself astonished at the sheer breadth of Jewish offerings and expressions around the region. There are so many ways you can be Jewish in Atlanta and the surrounding area, offerings that reflect the richness of Jewish heritage and tradition.

This upcoming week exemplifies this sentiment in the most powerful way as we commemorate and mark Yom Hazikaron (Israel’s Memorial Day--a somber day to honor Israel’s fallen soldiers and to remember civilian victims of terrorism) and Yom Haatzmaut (Israel’s Independence Day--a joyful day to mark the birthday of the modern state of Israel.) 

We live in a city and a community that fully embraces the importance and the sacred nature of these days. As a flourishing center of Jewish life and as an inspiring model for Jewish peoplehood, we celebrate Israel even though we find ourselves thousands of miles away. 

If you have been wandering the halls of Temple Sinai, you may have noticed a stunning replica of the Kotel, the Western Wall, in our educational wing. Made with Jerusalem stone, children have already been placing prayers and notes within the openings, pieces of paper that we will bring with us on our congregational trips and place within the actual Wall. Above the stone, Marisa Kaiser and her educational team will soon place the renowned words of Yehuda HaLevy  in Hebrew and English, “My heart is in the East, though I may be at the edges of the West.”

As we honor the sentiment of these words, I want to highlight a few opportunities that we have to partake in the beauty of Am Yisrael, the People of Israel, here in Atlanta and Sandy Springs.

The Yom HaZikaron Memorial for Israel’s Fallen Soldiers & Victims of Terror
Monday April 24, 7:30 pm, Sandy Springs Performing Arts Center, 1 Galambos Way, Sandy Springs GA 30328
Doors open at 6:30 pm 

Atlanta Celebrates Israel @75
Wednesday  April 26, 6:00 pm,  Location provided upon registration
Fun music, delicious Israeli street food, amazing speakers, and talented performers along with recognition of Sinai member Doug Ross as a “Light for Israel.” Click here to purchase tickets.

Yom Ha’Atzmaut and Food Trucks at Brook Run Park
Thursday, April 27, 5:00 pm–8:30 pm
Bring your friends, lawn chairs, and blankets to celebrate Israel’s 75th Independence Day at Brook Run Park in Dunwoody, 4770 N. Peachtree Rd. The celebration will feature a live musical performance by “Exit 10,” an Israeli rock cover band. There will be games and activities for families, adults, and children of all ages. In addition to the regular food trucks, Kosher and Israeli food will be available for purchase. FREE and open to all!

We recognize that the past few months have been a tumultuous and divisive time for Israel, and yet we hope and pray that these coming days will display the unity and the beauty of our Atlanta Community. As well, we hope to highlight the beauty, the promise, and the miracles that Israel has brought and continues to bring to our world.  As we come off the heels of Yom HaShoah, Holocaust Memorial Day, we show the world that we are still here, creating, doing and thriving. Together we say Am Yisrael Chai

Thu, January 30 2025 1 Sh'vat 5785