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Song of the Sea

02/01/2023 10:53:54 AM


Beth Schafer

While I am fond of many parts of the Torah, it is this week’s portion, Parashat Beshalach, that speaks to me most. It is this week that the Israelites finally escape slavery after hundreds of years of servitude in Egypt and encounter the miracle at the Sea of Reeds when they flee. This parasha contains within it Shirat Hayam or The Song of the Sea. We know it by its familiar title, Mi Chamocha. And, because this special song is typeset in the Torah differently than the rest of our sacred text, its importance is clear, and this entire Shabbat is named for it. It is called Shabbat Shira, or the Shabbat of Song.

Ever since that moment at the sea, two things become predominant in Jewish life. When we encounter moments of awe or experience great gratitude, we sing. It is an authentically Jewish expression of hope and faith. And, because we were liberated from centuries of tyrannical rule, it is in our Jewish DNA to fight for and demand freedom for all.

This year, in addition to celebrating the music of our tradition with extra musicians and voices, we are also participating in the fifth annual Refugee Shabbat conceived of by HIAS, the Hebrew Immigrant Aid Society. As we are mandated to remember our history as refugees, we can’t help but lift up the plight of refugees around the world.

This Shabbat will take place in the round in our beloved Freeman Chapel. And, fun fact, this was both my and Rabbi Sam’s Bat Mitzvah Torah portions. We would love for you to celebrate our Bat Mitzvah-versaries with us at this very special worship experience.

Shabbat shalom and in song,



Thu, January 30 2025 1 Sh'vat 5785