The Gifts that Do Not Fit in Boxes
12/21/2022 10:55:18 AM
I find it ironic that mainstream American culture often has us wish people peace and joy during this holiday season. But for me, these weeks leading up to Chanukah and New Year's are anything but peaceful.
I’ve spent a great deal of time running around purchasing gifts; white elephant gifts, adopt-a-family gifts, teacher gifts, gifts for the kids, for the mailman and more and more. The sheer quantity quickly became overwhelming. And with each passing day my list got longer (NOT shorter) as I remembered more important people in our lives that I wanted to show our love and appreciation.
And then on Monday morning, while trying to find a moment of calm, I went to a yoga class. The instructor made a simple yet powerful remark: “not all gifts have to be wrapped up with paper and bow.” She posed the question: what are the gifts we can give each other that aren’t tangible, and what are the gifts we are giving to OURSELVES?
Similarly, our dear friends at the Blue Dove Foundation have realized that this holiday season, although full of joy and cheer, can actually be the most difficult time of year for many. The first Chanukah without a loved one. The days are cold, dark, and short. Expenses seem to pile up. We can grow overwhelmed by the tasks at hand. One of the resources that Blue Dove Foundation created was a video about the dreidel. It illustrates that Chanukah isn’t only about the lights and the latkes, but there is so much more. It is about our resilience. It is about how we respond in the face of uncertainty. When we spin the dreidel, we have no idea what we will land on, or what will be our next move. But the dreidel reminds us that miracles happen, and healing happens, even when we least expect it.
I thought about this idea on Sunday evening as I stood in awe as dozens upon dozens of hanukkiyot lit up the Ackerman Social Hall for our Temple Sinai Chanukah Celebration.
As I looked around the room I thought about all that had changed for so many of us between the lighting of the candles last year, and the lighting of the candles this year. And despite all the changes - some good, and others decidedly not, the constant presence of the glowing Chanukah candles filled the otherwise chaotic room, with a sense of peace and serenity.
As we continue to celebrate our Festival of Lights, we ask the question: What are the gifts of peace, love, and serenity that we are giving each other…those that do not fit in boxes: the gift of a phone call, our love, our friendship, and our presence. May these gifts illuminate our lives and give us strength this Chanukah season and ALWAYS. Chag Urim Sameach!