Support for Ukraine
03/03/2022 09:07:30 AM
As the tenor of the reports from Ukraine grows in severity almost by the hour, so, too, grows the yearning and heartfelt desire of countless among us to want to do something, anything, to assist the people of Ukraine during this existential crisis. Putin’s aggression, the killing of Ukrainian civilians, the bombing of the Babi Yar Holocaust Memorial, the flight of over one million Ukrainian citizens… the number of tragic headlines and articles filling our screens and email inboxes is overwhelming. While feelings of “futile outrage” are understandable, there are some ways to channel emotions into tangible and meaningful support. While we continue to lift up our prayers and hopes for a peaceful resolution and for the safety of the people of Ukraine, consider the following actions:
- Come to services tomorrow night as Temple Sinai joins hundreds of congregations across the country for Refugee Shabbat, an opportunity to recognize the humanitarian crisis facing millions of refugees and asylum seekers throughout the world – including the over one million who have fled Ukraine -- and affirm our ongoing commitment to creating a place of welcome.
- Be inspired by the courageous leadership of Ukraine’s Jewish President Vclodymyr Zelensky. Here is a video of his brief but powerful speech to the EU.
- Learn more about the Ukrainian Jewish community. Click here for a recent Times of Israel column. It has been particularly heartening to see the emergence of a burgeoning Reform and progressive Jewish community in Ukraine, now over 40 congregations strong, during the past several decades.
- Direct support to the Jewish community. There is undeniable financial support needed urgently throughout the country and numerous worthy funds to which one can donate. Understandably, we urge all who are able to consider directing resources to the needs of the Jewish community. Two funds to consider:
- The American Jewish Committee has launched a “StandWIthUkraine Fund” -
- The World Union for Progressive Judaism (WUPJ) has launched a “Ukraine Crisis Fund” - (Following is a moving video shared by Kiev’s Chief Reform Rabbi Kiev's Rabbi Alexander Dukhovny:
- Continue to lift our voices in prayer. Following is the prayer shared by Rabbi Trief this past Shabbat evening:
©Joanne Fink, 2022
Holy One, Source of Strength,
War has begun, and innocent people are dying.
We ask Your protection for Ukraine and its citizens.
We pray for their safety and the security of the country,
and for the neighboring countries—Hungary, Poland, and Rumania, among others—
that have opened their borders to provide humanitarian corridors
and safe passage for all those who wish to evacuate.
We seek the comfort of believing that everything will be all right,
even in the face of insurmountable odds.
Quiet the fears that threaten to deafen us; grant us Shleimut—
the inner peace we so desperately seek. Help us remain calm and reach out to those in need.
May this horrific situation be diffused swiftly with minimal casualties.
Bless our world leaders with the ability to work together for the greater good,
and the wisdom to make wise decisions during this turbulent time.
Bless the people of all nations with the desire, strength and courage
to create a world based on justice and filled with peace.
May the words of Isaiah 2:4:
“Nation shall not lift up sword against nation;
neither shall they learn war anymore”
become true in our day-- in this very hour.
Source of Goodness, shine Your healing light on us
and all those in the Ukraine we hold in our hearts.
Shelter us, shield us, show us the path to peace.
And let us say: Amen.