Reproductive Freedom is a Jewish Value
01/26/2022 02:51:35 PM
This week we are centering our Shabbat around the topic of Reproductive Freedom. Repro Shabbat is an opportunity for us to highlight the critical importance of reproductive health access, reproductive rights, and reproductive justice, and to learn more about Judaism’s approach to these issues.
Along with over 700 institutions, congregations this week are centering their messages, sermons and music around this very important and challenging topic. When it comes to abortion access, there is not a singular Jewish voice-we know that this is an issue that is nuanced and delicate.
Repro Shabbat is brought to us by the National Council for Jewish Women (NCJW) through an initiative called 73 Forward (getting its name from the year that Roe v. Wade made abortion legal at the federal level). As we take part in this initiative NCJW reminds us that our community should be a place where anyone impacted personally by these issues feels loved and welcomed. We should be a place where all have access to what our tradition teaches. And, we should be a place where we understand the importance of fighting for reproductive health, rights, and justice for everyone.
In the sacred setting of our sanctuary we will grapple with words of Torah while standing humbly in its presence. Rarely are issues black and white which means their solutions are multifaceted as well. To bring an issue that is on the national stage to our bima is our opportunity to see it through a Jewish lens, helping to inform our opinions and actions. As a people we are not afraid of hard topics or conversations, in fact, we run toward them. Our tradition teaches us to embrace the struggle and be thoughtful in our discourse. Then, with hearts moved and minds opened we can be confident, powerful voices in the pursuit of justice and equality in the greater community.
Shabbat shalom,
For more information on 73 Forward, visit: