Volunteer with Our Kesher Committee
07/13/2021 09:49:48 AM
This week we begin a new Book of Torah, the concluding text, the Book of D’varim. D’varim can be translated as “things” and the book is ultimately an extended monologue from Moses about the things he remembers from the journey of the Israelites from slavery to the Promised Land.
The start of this book always compels me to consider the things I remember about my time at Sinai, and each year brings with it new and wonderful moments that make me smile. This week, though, the thing to which I keep returning is our amazing Kesher team.
Our Kesher volunteers serve as the compassionate heart of our congregation. They are the people who send a meal when our members have experienced a loss, a note of condolence, and a call expressing sympathy after a bereavement. They are there with an encouraging word when our members have spent time in the hospital and are there with a phone call to some of our members just to check in from time to time. For work that takes so little effort and time, it has by far the largest impact of any Sinai group of volunteers.
And here is the ask: If you are looking for a way to get involved, to make a positive impact on the lives of fellow members, to meet new people who are similarly caring, then perhaps volunteering with Kesher is for you. To volunteer, just send an email to keshertemplesinai@gmail.com. They’ll take care of the rest.
Shabbat Shalom,