Solemn Anniversaries
10/27/2022 08:57:31 AM
Anniversaries can be joyous and they can be solemn. While wedding anniversaries, anniversaries of employment when one has found a job that one loves, and anniversaries of significant and joyous events in life are cause for celebration, we know that there are also anniversaries which are cause for commemoration. And today marks one such anniversary, for it was on October 27, 2018, that Robert Gregory Bowers moved from making hate-filled,...Read more...
Let in the Divine Spark
10/20/2022 09:37:50 AM
I recently watched a video about a young curious woman eager to learn the secrets of creation and the universe.
While in her room one night, surrounded by mementos of her heroes, she stares up at the stars and wonders: How did it all start?
While we might not have all the answers to these foundational questions, this week's Torah portion Bereshit gives us a point from which to begin.
In our...
Books of Torah as Chapters of our Lives
10/13/2022 07:55:22 AM
We are just a few days away from Simchat Torah, when we end and begin our annual cycle of reading Torah. At the end of Deuteronomy, we find Moses atop Mt. Nebo where he will send his beloved people into the Promised Land with blessing before dying. The scene ends and we plunge into darkness and experience the story of Creation once again.
This leap from physical heights to spiritual depths got me thinking about how each book of Torah,...Read more...
The Questions that Lead to More Sacred Living
10/04/2022 01:53:27 PM
This past Shabbat – Shabbat Shuvah, the Shabbat between Rosh HaShanah and Yom Kippur – I was privileged to take many of our high school seniors to New York for a weekend of bonding and learning. We took in several of the important sights – Ellis Island, the Lower East Side Tenement Museum, the World Trade Center Museum and Memorial, to name a few. And we ate the iconic foods – Chinese food in Chinatown, pasta in Little Italy, street...Read more...
Moments of Awe
09/28/2022 03:35:31 PM
Rabbi Arthur Green wrote about the nature of religious experience in terms of awe, in his book, Seek My Face. He wrote, “[Religious Experience] is as varied as the number of individual humans that there are in the world, and potentially as multiple as there are moments in each of those human lives. In the midst of life, perhaps in a moment of confrontation with birth or death, in seeing great beauties of nature, in love and...Read more...
It is Never Too Late
09/22/2022 10:05:13 AM
“I cannot believe Rosh HaShanah is here again!” I've been repeating this sentiment over and over this past week. And although we are grateful to have made it through the ups and downs of another year, the holidays always seem to come out of nowhere. They remind us that there is much healing to be done in our personal lives, as a synagogue community and in the world at large.
Capitalizing on this sentiment, Rabbi Alan Lew...
Engaging in Hard Conversations
09/14/2022 08:11:18 AM
Last weekend I participated in an interfaith day of learning at Queens University in Charlotte, NC. The gathering was inspired by Nostra Aetate (“In Our Time”), the 1965 Papal decree that sought to change the Roman Catholic Church’s relationship with the Jewish people, by stating that the Jewish people were not guilty of deicide (the killing of Jesus). In the aftermath of the Holocaust, the Church began to own its part in...Read more...
A Wish and a Prayer
09/06/2022 08:48:02 AM
Having entered the month of Elul, the Hebrew month that precedes our High Holy Days, it would be wise to keep in mind the custom of approaching these days with intentionality and reflection. Anew this month I began to explore the difference between a wish and a prayer. And, as this is Elul, a thought began to emerge.
In the end, what separates a wish from a prayer is the point to which it is directed. After all, wishes are magic and...Read more...
09/01/2022 08:35:56 AM
Rabbi Nicole Auerbach writes, “There are [certain moments] in which it is possible to feel fear and reverence and awe in one single, combined inner experience.” Imagine standing on the very edge of an immense canyon and looking down into the vast expanse, while also appreciating the magnificent colors and rock striations, and also considering a time hundreds of thousands of years prior when the river on the canyon floor first began to...Read more...
The Common Sense of Judaism
08/25/2022 08:17:58 AM
In this week’s parashah, Re’eh, we encounter the words, “See, I set before you this day blessing and curse…” We are offered blessings in exchange for obeying the commandments and curses if we do not. Interesting that the parashah gets its name from its first word, “See.” This is not unlike another verse of Torah, which also happens to be the defining prayer of Judaism, the Sh’ma. Sh’ma reads, “Hear, O Israel, Adonai is our...Read more...
L’shem Shamayim
08/18/2022 09:37:29 AM
I have a small confession to make…
I am conflict-avoidant. Conflict makes me profoundly uncomfortable. In fact, if you say something that upsets me, you will rarely know it. I may talk about it ad nauseam with friends and family, but it is rare that I will actually confront the person with whom I am upset.
It seems I already know what I need to work on this year as the High Holidays roll around ;)
In all...
Six Words That Say It All
08/08/2022 11:37:07 AM
It is one of my favorite tidbits. Ernest Hemingway, challenged to write a story in only six words, composed this most heartbreaking tale: “For sale: baby shoes, never worn.”
Larry Smith, founder of SMITH Magazine, came across this tidbit and challenged his network to describe their lives in exactly six words, calling them Six-Word Memoirs. What began modestly in 2006 has turned into a massive industry, with multiple books...Read more...
Reframing What Isn’t Working
08/04/2022 08:27:46 AM
The mental picture is one I will never forget. It was at the beginning of my first year of rabbinical school in Jerusalem and several of my classmates and I decided to go to the Kotel (Western Wall) in observance of Tisha b’Av, a historical day of fasting which commemorates the destruction of the First and Second Temples in Jerusalem two millennia ago (and longer). We were truly unprepared, though, for the scene that greeted us: a throng in...Read more...
Music to My Ears
08/03/2022 09:44:45 AM
Music to My Ears, installed in the Lehrman Garden, is the title of the beautiful sculpture generously gifted to Temple Sinai by long-time congregants Andrea and Dr. Steve Steinman.
Steve, with advanced art degrees, has exhibited his sculpture and photography in...Read more...
Lending a Helping Hand
07/28/2022 10:51:06 AM
To me, summertime has always been about journeys. Trips to camp, the mountains and the beach. Pilgrimages to Israel and meet-ups with friends and family members. So, it is fitting that we always read Parashat Matot-Masei in the midst of the summer months. Matot- Masei recounts in great detail the forty years of Israelite journeys through the desert.
Over the past few weeks, like many of you , I have taken a few trips. Last...Read more...
Simple Steps for Going Green
07/25/2022 09:54:48 AM
Do you want to live a “greener” life, but don’t know where to start? Check this spot every week for a new “green tip.”
TIP 1: Adjust your thermostat to fight climate change. Reducing your energy usage will help combat global...Read more...
Temple Sinai Staff Update
07/21/2022 01:48:16 PM
We are writing to update you about a significant staff transition that is presently taking place. Samantha Berinsky, our Senior Manager of Congregational and Community Management, has announced her departure effective August 9th in order to join Repair the World as the Atlanta City Director. We are delighted that Samantha will continue to serve as a Jewish professional for this rather impressive organization.
At the urging of Rabbi...
The Importance of Community
07/20/2022 03:22:39 PM
Like so many of you, I was shaken and appalled by two incidents impacting our community this week. The first was the distribution of a flyer to homes in certain neighborhoods in Sandy Springs. The flyer, created by The Goyim Defense League, was filled with horrible comments about Jews and was designed to have the most jarring impact. The ADL’s Center on Extremism is monitoring the GDL, though I don’t imagine that knowledge impacts the...Read more...
Blessings and Curses
07/14/2022 10:24:45 AM
Each evening, as we are driving home from Temple Sinai I ask Rafi, “What is your rose?” and “What is your thorn?” Roses and thorns, the more child-appropriate way of saying blessings and curses.
As I ask Rafi these questions, I too ask myself, “What is my rose and what is my thorn?” I try to take a mental inventory of some of the most poignant images, both good and bad. This week, it was easy to...Read more...
Amazon Smile Instructions
07/12/2022 10:07:28 AM
Shop on the Amazon Smile page online or in the app and a portion of the proceeds will be donated to Temple Sinai at no cost to you!
1. Visit
2. Sign in with your credentials
3. Type “Temple Sinai Atlanta” in...
Sacred and Science
07/07/2022 10:28:18 AM
We spent July Fourth Weekend on Cape Cod visiting friends who summer there each year. We were in Woods Hole which is the home to the Woods Hole Oceanographic Institute, one of the premier marine biology centers in the nation that draws hundreds of students there each summer to study. One of the most endearing things that happens there is the July 4th parade. It is not your typical Americana-type parade, it is a Science Parade where all of the...Read more...
From "Baby Rabbi" to Senior Rabbi
06/30/2022 09:45:34 AM
Thank you, Adam and to the members of the PRC, for proposing this elevation and meeting and discussing and taking so many extra steps to make this historic vote a part of our congregation’s reality. I must fully and candidly admit that I did not imagine my rabbinic trajectory would unfold in this manner. After all, my rabbinic mentors and models, and I have had many since my formative years as a child in Cincinnati, had little in common...Read more...
Experiencing Pride
06/22/2022 09:36:55 AM
During a meeting last week, a NY-based rabbinic colleague shared the following story. She and her wife took their ten-year old nephew to see the recently released Top Gun movie. As he had not seen the first Top Gun, my colleague told her nephew a bit about the two main characters in the original, “Maverick” and “Goose,” explaining that they were best friends but that Goose sadly died at the end of movie (sorry if that’s a...Read more...
Life is Short: A Reminder
06/14/2022 01:18:58 PM
This morning as I opened Instagram, I learned that Jodi, a woman I had once known, passed away at the age of 62. I was not even aware that she was sick. It had been 20 years since we had last spoken, and yet the news still stopped me in my tracks. In the flash of an instant, in the casual motion of scrolling up or down each morning, we can face such surprise and such sadness.
As we walk through our days, we spend so much...Read more...
Listen To Your Children
06/07/2022 12:37:11 PM
There are times when the choices of others challenge us to live our values. I had one such experience when, in January of 2021, my wife, Rebecca, and I had a sit-down conversation with our son, Evan, about his Bar Mitzvah ceremony which would take place in 2022. Evan, who we know is rather shy and reserved, abhors being the center of attention while at the same time relishes his Judaism and the rituals of Jewish living. Rebecca and I crafted...Read more...
Torah as Teacher
06/02/2022 10:44:33 AM
As the school year has wrapped up for most and the end-of-year and grad pics are popping up, I find myself reflecting on my teachers. When I think of my best teachers, they were the ones who made me fall in love with a subject and encouraged me to do deeper dives and sharpen or broaden my understanding. While my music teachers were certainly at the top of the list, I also recall with great fondness English and history teachers as well as...Read more...
Prayer Does Not Absolve Us From Action
05/25/2022 03:07:45 PM
Buffalo. The Taiwanese Church in California. And, because these things come in threes, Texas. Earlier this week our newsfeeds were filled again with reports of a(nother) school shooting, this time in Texas. And, once again, broken-hearted, we allowed our tears to flow and our rage to boil.
We know that 19 children who were days away from finishing 4th grade now lay dead, as do two adults, in the latest mass shooting. ...Read more...
A Tender Prayer
05/24/2022 09:23:06 PM
Once again we find ourselves shocked and shattered by a tragic school shooting. The heartbreak, the tears, and the unimaginable violence scar us anew. In our anguish we all search for any words possible that might provide solace or shelter from this violent storm which seemingly has no end. Though no poet can erase the pain or despair so many are feeling, may words from this tender prayer offer a small measure of comfort:
“El Makor...
Help Our Ukrainian Refugee Family
05/23/2022 10:23:04 AM
“The strangers who reside with you shall be to you as your citizens; you shall love each one as yourself, for you were strangers in the land of Egypt.”-Leviticus 19:34
Now is the opportunity for us as Temple Sinai to fulfill this mitzvah. Temple Sinai has been assigned to help settle a Refugee Ukrainian family. This project is supported by Jewish Federation of Greater Atlanta and...Read more...
Explaining Our Concerns
05/19/2022 08:43:38 AM
In our Shabbat to Shabbat clergy column two weeks ago, we expressed our profound concern about the potential overturning of Roe v. Wade and the elimination of a woman’s access to abortion that would likely follow, and we invited congregants to attend a rally in support of reproductive freedom. In the days since that post, we have spoken with individuals in our congregation who, for varying reasons, were dissatisfied with the message...Read more...