The Time Has Come to Speak
06/03/2020 03:34:40 PM
One week ago, as we concluded Shabbat, many of us were roused by the news that protesters had taken to the streets and that Atlanta was burning. Whether the actions were primarily perpetrated by outside antagonists or whether this was the physical manifestation of anger and frustration and a sense of helplessness, what we saw most certainly captured our attention. And we’ve been attentive ever since.
Like every impactful event, the...
The Big Reveal
05/27/2020 04:58:28 PM
Back, oh so many months ago, when live television shows were far more prevalent, I know that many of us watched with regularity one or more of the reality shows available for mindless entertainment. Anticipating and trying to guess who would get the rose, seeing how interior decorators could transform a house on a limited budget, marveling at the ways personal stylists could dramatically change a person’s appearance, salivating as chefs...Read more...
Counting the Omer, Week 7
05/21/2020 02:22:03 PM
Week 7: Days 43-49: May 21 – May 28
Theme: Hope and Torah
The last seven days of counting bring us to Shavuot, the celebration of receiving the Torah at Mount Sinai. Torah states in the book of Deuteronomy 7:9, “Know therefore that Adonai your God, is God, the faithful God, who keeps the covenant and mercy with them that love God and keep God’s commandments to a thousand generations.”
This is the hope of Torah-that...
They Can Never Take Our Spirit
05/21/2020 09:00:54 AM
“During the Hurricane Harvey recovery, we were visiting with this beautiful older couple who had to be evacuated by boat. The wife was on dialysis, and her husband felt helpless as the house he had helped build flooded. Yet while we were sitting and speaking with them, they were smiling. I asked them how they stayed so positive. She said, ‘That storm can take my house, it can take my car, it can take my furniture and my pictures, but it...Read more...
Counting the Omer, Week 6
05/14/2020 11:08:44 AM
Week 6, Days 36-42: May 13 – May 19
Theme: Hope and Prayer
All prayers can be distilled down to four basic ones. They are: Please, Thank You, Oops, and Wow. In the course of a day, think about how many opportunities you have to offer one of these prayers. Prayer is a plea for God to hear the heart’s yearning. Our prayer lives spring from the natural human instinct to hope-to hope that something outside of our control has...Read more...
Hope in Prayer
05/13/2020 09:00:55 AM
If you’ve been able to join us for services, you might remember that I’ve been opening with a nigun I wrote in isolation, titled Resilience Nigun. Nigunim (plural) are the wordless melodies that we sing, as the music that separates what’s going on “out there” (meaning outside the sanctuary) to what’s going on “in here” (inside the sanctuary).
During these times we are exiled from our sanctuary, and are making...Read more...
Reach Out to Someone You Love
05/07/2020 08:19:34 AM
I don’t know much about sports. But I know about Bear Bryant.
Bear Bryant was the coach of the University of Alabama football team, one of the most successful football coaches of all time. Many years ago, the Southern Bell Telephone Company came up with a great idea for an ad. Since everyone in the South at the time (and many still do today!) knew Bear Bryant and revered him, they wondered, what if they could get him to do a...Read more...
Counting the Omer, Week 5
05/06/2020 04:31:04 PM
Week 5, Days 29-35: May 6-12
Theme: Hope and Family
“Like the seaweed that clings to each other after each passing boat separates them, so too a family will come together with the passing of each crisis.” ~ Indonesian Proverb
On whom do we lean during difficult times? We can all imagine the people in our inner circle, the ones we call, “family.” Whether it is the family that is related to you, or the family you...Read more...
Counting the Omer, Week 4
04/30/2020 10:07:46 AM
Week 4, Days 22-28: April 30–May 5
Theme: Hope- Body and Soul
Prayer is at the center of Jewish spiritual life, at the core of our spiritual strength, and the fuel for mindfulness that can infuse a moment or an action with a sense of holiness. All these things have provided the Jewish people with one of our most important qualities: Resilience. This week we highlight prayers for you to consider making part of your personal...Read more...
Nourish Your Body and Soul
04/29/2020 04:09:14 PM
Some of you may know that running has been a huge part of my life since I was a little girl.
The New York City Marathon has always been my favorite day of the year. Growing up, I would “help” my dad train for the marathon as I sat in the running stroller and he pushed me back and forth over the Brooklyn Bridge. Many of you have heard the story of my engagement to Natan when he proposed at the end of the Paris Marathon. I even...Read more...
We're Here for You
04/26/2020 10:34:36 AM
At the beginning of this month I made a commitment that Temple Sinai would be here for you, helping you weather the challenges presented by our COVID-19 pandemic. The focus of our clergy, professional staff, and lay leadership for the past six weeks has been on offering support and helping make connections so that we can all emerge from this dark period with deeper, more meaningful relationships than before.
I want to highlight...
Counting the Omer, Week 3
04/24/2020 10:27:45 AM
Week 3 Days 15-21: April 23-29
Theme: Hope, the Omer and Israel
The Omer marks the 50 days the Israelites traveled the desert from Egypt to Sinai. It also marks the wave offering of the Temple on the second day of Passover. What is the Omer and why do we count it? The Omer was an ancient Hebrew measure of grain. Biblical law forbade any use of the new barley crop until an omer was brought as an offering to the Temple in...Read more...
To Mourn And To Celebrate
04/23/2020 08:36:39 AM
We are about to enter a powerful week in the Jewish calendar. The upcoming days of Yom HaZikaron (Israeli Memorial Day for Fallen Soldiers) and Yom HaAtsmaut (Israeli Independence Day), are often referred to as the “Israeli High Holy Days.” These two poignant days come together not unlike the dramatic story of Passover we have just told, beginning with the tragedy, and ending with triumph and celebration.
At 8:00 pm, this Monday,...
Counting the Omer, Week 2
04/17/2020 10:22:50 AM
Week 2 Days 8-14: April 16-22
Theme: Hope and Community
"In every community, there is work to be done. In every nation, there are wounds to heal. In every heart, there is the power to do it.” These words by Marianne Williamson tell us that the work of our community can be in and of itself a source of hope. Sharing moments via Zoom or Facetime, sending care packages, making sure people who need help getting food get it; these...Read more...
The Power of Community
04/15/2020 03:43:06 PM
“In awe of the power of community.” That is what my Facebook profile has said for as many years as I have had a profile. It’s true. Having worked in Jewish communal life for over 20 years, I can attest to the power a community has to come together in a time of need and do amazing and beautiful things. I have seen neighbors outside with chainsaws cutting down fallen trees after a hurricane. I have seen friends come together and fix up...Read more...
Counting the Omer, Week 1
04/09/2020 08:19:52 AM
During this time of pandemic, it seems we do a lot of counting; we are acutely aware of the days and weeks we are spending sheltered in place. However, we have an opportunity to turn to our Jewish tradition to transform our counting into a countdown of hope. The period of the Omer runs from Passover through the seven weeks leading up to Shavuout. Passover represents our freedom from slavery, Shavuout celebrates God giving us the Torah at...Read more...
Hope Isn’t Canceled
04/07/2020 12:11:17 PM
A brief story entitled Not By Bread Alone is found in the Haggadah “A Different Night” (Noam Zion and David Dishon). In the spring of 1945, a father and his teenage son shared the hard labor in a Nazi camp. The father suggested a pact between them to save part of what little bread they received. After several days of saving the father reported to his son sheepishly: “I am sorry but I have given away our whole store of bread to a new...Read more...
Though Distance May Separate Us, We Are Never Alone
04/02/2020 10:14:18 AM
Throughout the generations, “Jerusalem” has been the central theme of Jewish song and prayer. Most notably, in just a few days, we will read from the Passover Haggadah and sing “B’shanah Habaah, next year in Jerusalem.” As Jews, we live every day with a sense of nostalgia, a sense of yearning for Israel, our holy city, and our sacred sites. Living so far from Israel, our sanctuaries and chapels have become the center of...Read more...
An Update from Temple Sinai President, Lynn Redd
04/01/2020 10:43:29 AM
A mere four weeks ago, I never could have imagined that we would be facing such volatile circumstances. 2019 and the first few months of 2020 were an exceptional time for Temple Sinai – we unveiled our beautifully renovated facilities; we doubled commitments for our endowment funds; we offered a robust range of educational services and programming; we expanded our preschool to offer a full-day infant program … our vitality and reach were...Read more...
We Are Being Called
03/25/2020 12:09:30 PM
This week begins a new book of Torah, Leviticus, or in Hebrew, Vayikra, meaning “God called out.” God calls to Moses to relay to the people the kinds of sacrifices they should be offering in the Tabernacle. There are five types of offerings mentioned, each of which can have meaning to us in these extraordinary times of pandemic:
Olah – an offering of ascension. Let us rise to meet the needs of family, community and humanity both...Read more...
How to Share Shabbat Virtually with Temple Sinai
03/20/2020 02:54:34 PM
Here's everything you need to know to join us for Shabbat services, Torah study and more.
5:45 pm Tot Shabbat Join Rabbi Ron Segal & Rabbi Sam Trief via livestream for songs, prayers & dancing. Access our...Read more...In a World that Feels Dark, We Look for the Light
03/19/2020 08:56:37 AM
It has been a groundbreaking and monumental week, and not in the way we would have liked. Six days have passed since last Shabbat...that day in which we settled into the idea of what COVID-19 might mean for our Temple Sinai family. And, well, somehow, we survived the week and even braced ourselves for more weeks to come. We have made it here. As each day passed, I found myself thanking God for things that I ordinarily would never even think...Read more...
Caring for Our Sinai Community and Beyond
03/18/2020 11:41:11 AM
During this unsettling time, we have been blessed to receive so many inquiries from members about how they can help others. Here are ways we care for our neighbors and for the stranger from a distance.
“Ring My Bell” – Reaching out to our Sinai FamilyWe are checking on our Temple Sinai Family via telephone to see how we might best support each other. We would like to contact each and every family at Temple Sinai and many...Read more...
Temporary Changes to Ritual Life at Sinai
03/17/2020 07:12:17 AM
As the evolving health situation now dictates further physical distancing with stricter limitations on gatherings recommended, please note the following important changes to ritual experiences that impact the Temple Sinai community:
All Shabbat Services (Friday night, Tot Shabbat, Shabbat morning) will be closed to the public and guests. We will livestream these worship opportunities on our website here.
B’nei Mitzvah...Read more...Temple Sinai COVID-19 Update
03/13/2020 12:58:23 PM
A cascading series of announcements in the past 24 hours has made it clear that we are at another turning point in the coronavirus crisis. We recently sent out a message outlining our first in a series of protocols on how to manage the COVID-19 virus; we were not expecting to be moving to this second protocol so quickly.
As we try to balance our daily lives and obligations with the realities of an uncertain environment, the...Read more...
Our Artist in Residence, Billy Jonas & The Billy Jonas Band Trio
03/11/2020 11:25:07 AM
Whether we go to an amazing concert, take in a magnificent vista or see the wonder in a child’s eyes, we can all think of an encounter that we would deem a spiritual experience. Often, we describe spiritual experiences as moving or inspirational. In addition to those descriptions, I would invite you to look at a spiritual experience as having an opportunity to take a glimpse of yourself, your light, your potential. To have a spiritual...Read more...
An Important Announcement from Temple Sinai Regarding the Coronavirus
03/05/2020 04:04:56 PM
With the recent news of Coronavirus (COVID-19) cases discovered in Fulton County, we know that many of you are concerned about the virus and how it may affect our community. We want to reassure you that the safety, health and well-being of our members, students, staff and guests is our top priority. As COVID-19 continues to spread, Temple Sinai is closely monitoring the situation through the Georgia Department of Public Health (GDPH) and the...Read more...
The Presence of the Eternal Light
03/05/2020 11:48:18 AM
We are in the middle of a series of Torah portions that describe the construction and adornment of the Tabernacle, our portable temple used by the Israelites while making their way to the Promised Land. Many of the specifications still can be seen in a modern temple. In this week’s Torah portion in particular, we learn of the Eternal Light. What does it mean to be in the presence of light all the time? What does this important feature in...Read more...
A Prayer for the Teachers that Inspire Us
02/27/2020 08:10:48 AM
As a child, my favorite book was My Teacher Sleeps at School. Mrs. Marsh, the main character in the story, is always in her classroom before the students arrive and always remains after they leave. Understandably, one of the students, Mollie, grows convinced that her teacher has no home other than the school. It is a sweet story that humanizes our teachers, and those larger-than-life figures in our world, who are so passionate, so dedicated,...Read more...
The Angel that Guides Us
02/19/2020 09:59:02 AM
The people of Israel are standing at Sinai. They are in an unknown desert that is slowly becoming their temporary home; they have been given manna and learned how to gather and eat it; they have found water to drink; they have fasted and prepared to come to the mountain to meet God. In last week’s Torah portion, in a flurry of awesome noise and light, God gave them the 10 Commandments.
Under these circumstances, the Israelites are...